The Perverted Monk and Dangerous Demon Slayer (Miroku X Sango)

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Sango watched as Miroku walked around the village from woman to woman. It annoyed the hell out of her having to watch him. The village they had entered was infested with young and beautiful woman. In fact Sango had not seen any men in the village at all, only woman.. It was very suspicious to Sango but, she was to focused on Miroku to think any further of it.

"Damn, I think he's having a field day," Inuyasha said out loud.

"Inuyasha," Kagome pleaded with him.

"What? Don't you see him!?!" Everyone turned their heads to Miroku who was holding the hand of a young woman and surrounded by others. "It's like he's in heaven for god's sake!"

"Inuyasha! SIT BOY!" Inuyasha face planted into the ground.

"What the hell Kagome?!?" He scram getting up.

"Can't you see Sangos upset your not making it any better!"

"Well why would she be upset it's not like she likes him! Who would when he's a cheati-"

"SIT!" Once again Inuyasha was sent face down into the ground. Sango started to ignore their brewing argument. She watched as Miroku kept talking to the mob of young woman surrounding him. She looked down at Kirara who returned the glance

"Oh Kirara...I think we're the only sane ones...," Sango said bending down to pet Kirara.

"Excuse me....," Sango looked up to see a handsome young man looking down at her. He had big soft brown eyes and short black hair. He bent down towards Sango extending a hand for her. She grabbed his hand and was helped up.

"Oh my..," the man said. Sango looked at him confused.,"I'm sorry..but I was going to say why is a beautiful woman like you sitting on the ground. But I'm afraid that that word does not do you justice." Sango soon found herself blushing at his comment.

"Uuhh...thank you," she said shyly to him.

"So...are these your friends?" He asked her motioning to Inuyasha and Kagome. Sango looked at her friends embarrassed, she then nodded her head slowly.

"They're very energetic."

"Well, how about that monk?" He pointed to Miroku who was now holding a woman's hand. Sango looked at him angrily and upsettingly . 'how does he have the balls to do that right in front of my face?' She thought to herself.

"He's just a stupid Monk," she said looking away from him. The man looked at her with his soft eyes.

"My name is Yuu," he said taking her hand and kissing it. She blushed at his polite actions.

"I'm Sango," she whispered. "Where did you come from?"

"oh, well you see that house up in the hill?" Sango looked up at a huge mansion that sat on top of a grass filled hill. It over looked the whole village.

"Yes it's very big and beautiful," she complemented.

"Well, that is where I live. See I am the lord of that mansion." A small gasp escaped Sango, she quickly looked at her clothes. They were covered with dirt spots. She felt embarrassed being in the presence of a lord and, not looking somewhat presentable. Yuu noticed her fidgeting and chuckled.

"There is no need feel that way my dear," he chuckled again. Sango blushed deeply and looked down. There was a few moments of silence during which Sango's cheeks burned.

"Why do you carry that weapon?" He asked her. Sango tightened her grip on hiraikotsu and looked at Yuu.

"I'm a demon hunter and this is my weapon." Yuu looked at her with great shock.

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