A Determined Dog and New Woman (Sesshomaru X Rin)

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"Master Jaken? Can I ask you something?" Rin said looking at the fire. Jaken turned his head to Rin. 'She has grown over these years' he thought 'No longer does she look like that annoying brat she was.'

"What is it girl?" He asked annoyed.

"Now that I am seventeen...will Sesshomaru get rid of me?" Jaken looked at her.

"Lord Sesshomaru does as he pleases and can't be pestered with girls like yo-" Jaken stopped. He noticed Rin looking the other way not paying attention to him.

"Rin?" She ignored him and layed down.

"I'm going to bed okay?"

"Okay,"he responded.

Rin brought her knees to her chest like she used to when she was a child. Over the course of the years Lord Sesshomaru always took care of her. Saving her from disaster after disaster. Her time with him was amazing. She loved traveling and having adventures with Lord Sesshomaru and Master Jaken but, as time continued she noticed that she was changing. Every time she saw him her heart beat a million times. It hurt to be away from him for long times. Then when he was near her she wanted to be in his arms. It scared her because she wasn't sure what it meant. Rin feared that it was something to do with her age. Still what scared her even more was the thought of losing him. 'What if he decides to get rid of me because of my age or if he finds out about my feelings' she thought. Rin curled up tighter. She feared the thought of being separated from him. It hurt her to even think about it. A tear ran down Rin's cheek she quickly wiped it away. She turned on her back and looked at the stars. They were beautiful. She smiled looking at them. Then before she realized it she fell asleep.


Sesshomaru reached the camp late in the night. His squire Jaken was fast asleep on a tree root. Rin, the girl who he saved so many years ago, was fast asleep. She was so peaceful laying on her back asleep.
Sesshomaru walked over to Rin's sleeping body. He sat down next to her and put is hand on her head. 'My little Rin' he thought to himself. Then it hit him. Rin was no longer little. She was a woman now, a beautiful one indeed. He started to stroke her head. For some time now Sesshomaru thought it best to give Rin back to humans. He wanted her to have a normal life and experience all the qualities that come with being human. Like growing old and marrying. Sesshomaru stopped. The thought of Rin getting married to some filthy mortal sickened him. This was something that he never experienced before. He never cared for someone so much. He looked down at the sleeping girl.

"That will never happen" Then an idea came to him. It was brilliant but to complete it he needed to leave not. Sesshomaru started to move but sat back down when the girls eyes slowly started to open. She looked up at him and he looked down at her.

"L-lord Seshomaru...." she whispered.

"Rin," he replied. She sat up next to him and stared at his eyes.

"W-what are you doing here...you normally don-"

"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" Sesshomaru said to her then looked at the sky. Rin stared at him for a moment then followed his lead.

"I guess," she said.

"Something troubles you?"

"uumm...not particularly.." she lied.

"Rin I have known you most of your life you cannot lie to me." Rin looked at Sesshomaru who retuned her gaze with his blank face.

"Its just...I am seventeen now...," she paused and saw what seemed to be a flicker of light in his eyes from her words," and well...I....uh...are you going to get rid of me Lord Sesshomaru?" She said it. The question which has been on her mind for so long. Sesshomaru looked at her with a shocked face. It was the first time she had ever seen him show emotion.

Inuyasha One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora