Valentines day♡

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This year is the first year, the first time I like somebody during Valentines day. It certainly wouldn't be the last, but its new and it scares me alittle.

I have known I liked girls for years, before I even knew what love really was like, I knew I would never live my days with a man. Now that I am older and supposedly wiser, fear and appreciation floods my mind.

I realised I liked my bestfriend (clichéd lesbian trope ik) summer of last year. We are both Theatre kids and in our schools rendition of hit classic, The sound of music, I fell, hard, like STRAIGHT NOSEDIVED IN, NO HESITATION. At first I was confused, she had been my friend for years and why now of all times must my gay over take my senses? But as many people say, its just happened, I like her and I can't do shit to stop myself from being completely enamoured with her.

What is worse is, I am not allowed to date, I am closeted to most of my family, and she might like one of our guy friends. So therefore I have no chance at ever making a move. I think I might say ' love you ' platonically but it won't capture the true extents of how I feel but that is fine.

She is so funny and scarcastic and her eyes are a blue that is reminiscent of moonstones that contrast the the chestnut Brown of her hair. Simply put she is divine and I am just here. Here hopelessly devoted to her.


Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girlWhere stories live. Discover now