1- Announcement

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I am currently in the lounge room with my boyfriend and the rest of my friend group. Moose resting his hand on mine and it gives me absolutely no sparks whatsoever. I've never really felt anything for him but when he asked me out 2 years ago I just couldn't bring myself to say no since he's always so kind and honestly the HBIC, river vixens captain and the popular football captain sounds good for my reputation.

Archie and Veronica as always.. are shoving each others tongues in their throats while Betty and Jughead are cuddling. Gross.

While we were talking suddenly the announcer goes off and we hear Principal Weatherhead speaking. "Hello dear students, I'm here to remind you that the southside school has been closed, most students will go to other schools while the remaining will go here. They will arrive Monday and please make them feel welcomed here." As I hear that I feel myself becoming more mad by the second. And before I can even realize it I'm walking to the principals office. "Cheryl, where are you going!" I hear Moose yell but I chose to ignore him and continue going without looking back.

Once I arrive I barge into his office and slam the door. "Miss Blossom!" He yells. I roll my eyes. "Why do you think it's a good idea letting those snakes into OUR school?!" I yell. "Miss Blossom, where's this attitude coming from? We are welcoming them with open arms whether you like it or not." I can feel myself becoming red in the face. What a joke. "But-" I start before he cuts me off with his bitch face. "No but's, go to your class right now or you'll face the consequences." He ends the conversation before sitting down. "motherfucker." I whisper while I walk away. "What was that Miss Blossom?" He says. "Nothing!" I yell before leaving and slamming the door once again.

I go to my locker to grab my english books when someone stands behind me, I hear a manly voice and ofcourse this clingy ass boy is behind me. "Hey love, you ok? why'd you leave me with those nerds." I sigh. "Sorry Moose, I tried to change that stupid weatherheads decision but it didn't work one bit." I say while rolling my eyes. "Hey it's fine, we'll wish they never came here." He says while smirking. I smile at him. "You little genius." I say while pecking his cheek.

He grabs my hand and walks me to my next class. We walk in together and I sit next to Veronica while he sits next to Reggie.

"Soo, you and Moose how's it going?" Veronica says while smirking. "Shut it Ronnie." I say rolling my eyes playfully. Veronica giggles and grabs my pen throwing it to the back of the class. "You bitch!" I yell. At the same time the teacher walks in. "What's all the yelling about?" she says. "This bi-" I say but got cut off by Ronnie. "She accidentally dropped her pencil." I glare at her. "Grab it." She says before turning around starting the lesson. I let out a little loud sigh. "Excuse me, missy you got a problem?" I grab my pen before sitting down. "No." I say aggressively. She sighs before going back to teaching.

I hear Ronnie giggling beside me and I flip her off. Once the bell rings I immediately grab my books and head out of the classroom. And of course I felt my hand grabbed again.. "Hey you got any plans later?" Moose asked softly rubbing my hand with his thumb. I smiled and looked at him, no sparks.. "No, why?" I asked. "I wanted to ask if you want to go to pop's with me, like a date." He asked. I smirked. "How can I say no?" I nodded before pecking his lips quickly. He smiled. "great, pick you up at 5?" I nodded.

"See you lover boy." I said before putting my books in my locker and walking out of the school. As I walked I saw some tall boys with black hair and a girl. The girl had pink hair and was smoking a joint while talking with the group of boys. I walked past them rolling my eyes. Before a female voice stopped me in my tracks. "What'cha rolling your eyes for preppy?" She said letting the "preppy" slip off her tongue perfectly. "First off don't call me preppy, second why are you snakes in the northside?" I asked harshly. She smirked sneakily and bit her cheek. "You got a problem, preppy?" I groaned and flipped them off before continuing my walk.

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