A Light Beginning: Part 2

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Dialogue: Steve and his brothers and friends have arrived at the best club in town after a few hours. They are really excited to go into it. They don't know if there are any threats...

John: "Hey guys, we're here!!!"
Blake: "Woah, I never seen this before, this might be great!"
John: "Yep, I know. It's very special."

Caleb: "So uhhh, are we gonna get out of this car?"
John: "Uh, yeah. You don't need to ask."

Caleb: "Oh ok! I didn't know..."
Steve: "Well it's ok... People already know."

*When they got out of the car*

*Steve smells something suspicious*
Steve: "Is it just me– or do I smell radiation?"
Blake: "How do you know if you smell radiation???"
Steve: "Uhh- eh- I mean nothing, I just imagined it."

*Awkward silence*
Blake: "... Weird."

Carter (in mind): I think... There might be a threat, maybe another villain to deal with or somethings wrong... Well I mean Steve's telling the truth. I shouldn't stop thinking about this...

Dialogue: When they got into the club, Carter saw a strange figure, it's shaped like a Yama but way different from the regular one.

Carter: "Guys, I have to go somewhere in this club, stay here."
(In mind) Hmmm, that figure looks really strange, it does look like a Yama but way more different from the regular one.

Caleb: "Steve, Carter went to the restroom to take a dump probably."
Steve: "I think he's being suspicious right now, we shouldn't talk about this. We should just do our things now."
Caleb: "Yeah, you're probably right, wait a minute... My big brother's here. I'm gonna go see him."

*Caleb rushes away*

*Inaudible dialogue in the background*
Steve: "I knew there are gonna be brownies here!!!"
*He eats one*
Steve: "Damn, these are so good than the last ones I tried!!!!"

Blake (to John): "If he eats to much of it, uhhhhh he could get diabetes..."
John: "High blood sugar can cause diabetes, also can we chat on the bar over there?"
Blake: "Yeah yeah sure why not?"

*Meanwhile with Carter*

Carter: "Hey hey excuse me I'm coming through!!!"
(In mind) I don't exactly know where the smell of radiation is coming from, I have to guess. Maybe in the storage room, it's only for the staff. Ehh I don't care about it.

*When he's about to go in the storage room*
Carter (in mind): I should check if anybody saw me...

*When he got in*
Carter: "Hey, show me who you are!!! Or something..."
???: "Something?! HAH!! WHY do you know about this, Carter."

Carter: "Wait, how did you know about my name?? Who are you?"
Gorphizi: "YOU DON'T KNOW?! Well you get it. it's Gorphizi, Yama 11-58!"
Carter: "How are you even here?!"

Gorphizi: "PHEH— Why do you wanna know about me!? I don't care! You've used to be a MORON. Not just a regular moron, YOU'RE BORN TO BE A MORON!!!"

Carter: "Hey, I'm not a moron! If I am, soon you're gonna be one..."
*Carter wields his guns*

Gorphizi: "So be it!!!"
*The fighting begins*

*Meanwhile with the others*

Announcer: "Next up, get ready for the Radio Scorpions!!!"
*The fans cheered*
Caleb: "Yeah!!! They're here!!!"

The lead singer: "So, we're excited to perform in this best club in town. And also we have our merch in the corner if you want to buy some. Now let's begin!"

Caleb: "Damn, I haven't bought their merch yet, I definitely need to buy these!!"
Darren: "Yep, sure little bro. Go on."
*They start to begin to play the first song*

Steve: "Those brownies taste really good and even the butterscotch cupcakes."
(In mind) I should stop eating those, it would give me diabetes...

John: "Then this random vegan girl showed up to me when I'm tryna eat my sandwich in the car, she said 'Excuse me, what are you even eating!?' Like I said there's meat in the sandwich so she argued about me on why I'm eating meat, like you should mind people on how people eat, not just argue about it for no reason!"

Blake: "... This is why I hate vegan people. Like they think we're hurting animals, but no we ain't."

*The wall broke beside of the stage with Carter and Gorphizi*
That one random fan: "Woah, there are special effects, THAT'S AMAZING!!!"

Caleb: "HEY HEY! What's going on?!"

Gorphizi (to Carter): I told you, you're just a moron, A WEAK MORON!"
Carter (who is appearantly injured): "I. AM. NOT. A MORON. COULD A MORON FIGHT LIKE THAT?!"
Gorphizi: "NO!!?"

Steve: "What's happening!? Who even are you?"
Gorphizi: "You also don't know my name either??? IT'S GORPHIZI, YAMA 11-58!!!"
Blake: "Great another threat had came, how original..."

Gorphizi: "Ohhh, Steve and his moronic group full of morons... How lovely of all of you, until I take one!!!"
*He chokes Blake with his claw, about to behead him*

Steve: "HEY, STOP THAT!!! You might hurt him!"

*He unsheathes his sword out of thin air and runs against Gorphizi, until Nova appears out of the ceiling*
That one random fan (again): "Wow this is lowkey!!! Take a picture!!!"

Nova (To Gorphizi): "I know you... That Yama who overuses the word 'Moron' in his words."
Steve: "You gotta help Blake, he might be beheaded!"

Nova: "Yep, with pleasure."
*Nova strikes their sword against Gorphizi's claw, releasing Blake*

Steve: "Blake, are you okay?"
Blake: *Gasps for air* "Yeah, I'm totally fine, not really..."

Nova: "You... Yama 11-58, you should stop this... Now! "
Gorphizi: "What a moronic question. Wellllll sure, until I return... "
*He escapes though the hole Nova made*

Nova: "Welp, see you around guys."
*They left with a high jump*

Steve: "Looks like we got rid of him, but not for long. Also Carter, I knew you were serious, also what happened?"
Carter: "I got injured a lot but not really a lot and I tried to avoid his stinger which is very poisonous, deadlier than the deadliest poisons in the world."

That one random fan (again, yeah): "That was really cool, I'm adding this to my personal favourites."
*Caleb slaps him*
Caleb: "Those where not special effects..."

Steve: "I think we're ready to go home so I could tell Yama about the Gorphizi guy, I think that's his name right."
Carter: "Yep, that's his name. Also I need to recover when we're home..."

Blake: "Could we go home now quickly, I am borrreeed, and also exhausted right now."
John: "Yeah yeah, don't rush it."

*At the laboratory, which is their home*

Dialogue: Steve told about Yama about the situation and Gorphizi, he never heard of him before so he has to get research about him. Carter went to his room to recover. At night they went to sleep, while Yama is still awake. He knew that Gorphizi is a Defective Yama, he never knew those existed... (there is a 1/1000 chance a Yama will become a defect)

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