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what happened next could only be classified as all out war, to the point where the government of this world started to get worried

"we would be winning this fight by a landside if i was using drones like my father, but living soldiers are more unpredictable and more trustworthy, as such i have to be careful what orders i give, the downside is my father does not he can simply throw his forces at me until one of us falls, reminds me of the jem'hadar" i said

"i'll relay that to the UN" misato said

"you do that" i said nonchalantly, i couldn't care one way or the other

"sir the enemy has just attempted to take over the fourth guardian-class" an officer reported

"the fourth, any losses" i asked

"not on that front sir, her excellency has locked them down tight with her cypher system" the woman said, i nodded that was good

"good, helm continue to push us through" i ordered

"yes sir" the woman at helm said, it was in that moment the ship was shook pretty hard

"sir, the enemy has taken all of his positron cannons and is concentrating fire on us" the tactical officer reported

"took you longer then expected, inform our forces to take out those guns, use vultures as missiles if you have to" i ordered

"aye sir" the tactical officer said, as she relayed those orders, another shake

"he synchronized his fire too, he knows my shields are powerful, your learning old man as expected of you, but it's not quite time for our meeting yet" i said, misato looked warily at her former charge but she was aware he was in power here, she was disarmed when she came aboard, and would be dead for she even got a chance to get a new weapon to kill him, still it worried her, he was smiling, shinji ikari was enjoying this, she shook her head as she remembered rei's words, this was not shinji ikari, he was a completely new person, one who seemed to enjoy this, a little too much for misato's liking

"sir the ortlinde has just entered combat" the tactical officer reported

"huh, i was wrong, rei must have transferred her unit to her ship" i said to my self before turning to the tactical officer

"inform her i need a hole" i said

"yes your excellency" he said, as he relayed the order

"your excellency" misato asked

"something they choose to do, it's a tradition we collected from another military when were first created ours, it is not at all expected of them, in fact it was encouraged against at first, rei convinced me to let them do as they wish" i muttered to misato who nodded her understanding

"sir our hole has been opened" tactical said

"helm, full impulse power, tactical make every shot count and inform our forces i expect them not to get hit" i ordered

"yes your excellency" the two officers responded, as the ship began to move forward followed by it's escorts

"inform our escorts to fall back if the receive too much damage, but keep the guardian-class ships with us, we can let them die" i said

"yes your excellency" comms said

"why is the guardian-class less important" misato asked

"they are autonomous of course, there is no one onboard besides the cypher pod on board, and i made a promise to rei i would make utmost use of her cyphers" i said, misato nodded

"sir incoming" tactical said

"divert all available power to the ACS, bring all guns to fore and fire at will" i ordered

"aye sir" tactical said, as he imputed the commands into his console

several grueling minutes for misato katsuragi later, and the ship came face to face with NERV

"we are being hailed" the comms officer said

"so now he wishes to speak, put him through" i said, a moment later gendo ikari's face appeared onscreen with that visor he was now known for wearing

"hello ikari" i said

"so i was correct, you chose to sacrifice the power you received from that parallel world" gendo said

"you were and you weren't i've obviously used it for something first" i said

"true, your vessels are impressed, i look forward to studying their hulks they should aid me in continuing instrumentality, where is yui" the man demanded, at that i chuckled

"well i needed unit-01 and unit-13 for my own project, so i needed them soulless fortunately unit-13 was already soulless, and i found a way of making unit-01 soulless and duplicating it in the process" i said, he was intrigued at this

"how" he demanded

"well, i took the soul of your wife from this world, and the soul of the same woman from that world and i combined them, one soul would be just that another soul to be used for the body, the good news is i used the parallel's soul for the body so your yui lives on as a human in avalon" i said

"does she know you" gendo asked

"considering i want nothing to do with either of you, no, she doesn't, she never will" i said

"i see, disappointing" gendo said, he had not expected his former son to be able to make yui human again and considering he lost his own humanity, he was beginning to understand that seeing the woman he loved again could only happen, through desperate measures

"i believe it is time we clashed old man" i said

"indeed, i agree, i will be waiting" gendo said the frequency closed at that

"godspeed, your excellency, may the wind be at your back" the tactical officer said as all the officers stood from their stations and at attention as their commanding officer left the bridge, misato was quick to follow

"you don't actually intend to fight him do you" misato asked

"i have learned the only way to get that man to listen is threw the fist, so yes i do" i said, as we walked off the turbolift and into the main hanger where a mechanic handed me a belt

"thanks" i said taking the belt and equipping it as another handed me the phone, i took it flipped it opened and entered the code 315, before hitting enter

"STANDING BY" the phone said, as i inserted the phone into the driver flipping it into place

"henshin" i said

"COMPLETE" the phone said as the suit materialized

she watched as her former charge climbed into his machine and launched from the hanger, a few moments later a similar looking unit entered the hanger as several mechanics rushed to greet it's pilot, which was rei, after being coddled by the mechan...

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she watched as her former charge climbed into his machine and launched from the hanger, a few moments later a similar looking unit entered the hanger as several mechanics rushed to greet it's pilot, which was rei, after being coddled by the mechanics, she was able to untransform from the armor she was wearing, and walked towards misato handing the belt and grip to a nearby guard

"we should get back to the bridge" rei said

"shouldn't you be out there with him" misato asked

"this is his fight" rei replied

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