chapter 33

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hi babies, you did not fulfill the target but here's a long chapter because I love you all and because im an angel.

please shower love and support, because I need that badly.

I hope you're doing amazing, and I hope you're enjoying it!

a tiny request is that if you guys could go and vote for the chapters above this one if you have not done it already.

love you and enjoy.



I drink the biggest sip of water known to man to swallow a disprin pill. And god I'm not lying when I say this, it slows down in my esophagus when going down. And yes I thought I was dying.

My head is fucking killing me.

Well, it's been 2 weeks since I was over at Rayan's house. And things have been, well... too good almost. And I know I shouldn't be saying this and it's incredibly immature for me to say this but it is lowkey freaking me out.

I mean when you're emotionally celibate like me, for I don't know 3 years. And mind you being celibate after the fiasco of a relationship is completely acceptable.

And the reason for my headache is quite unknown. Because my thoughts have been all over the fucking place dude.

Okay, back up and put yourself in my shoes.

Imagine you're me- wait scratch that- imagine you're back in school, and see your school crush, your first true love. And you are literally suffering from the great epidemic of unrequited love. Yeah. Kill me, please.

And then fast forward, it's been years since you were last in contact with them and you never properly moved on, because how can you move on from someone you were never really with?

Moving on, they enter your life, and then in a couple of weeks of contact, you both one night, randomly meet at a club, where you are there to drown all your feelings that are coming up for them but coincidently they show up too, all bruised and all cold and glass-eyed.

To add even more spice, you're drunk. You see them, and being drunk you do what drunk people do, but you still aren't blacked out drunk; so you notice the bruises on their face. So you take them to your car, to fucking nurture them, and being drunk, you start kissing their bruises. You then think it is perfectly normal to fucking kiss them on their lips since they got a minor cut there too. Then out of the blue, they pull you onto their lap and kiss you like you are the only thing that matters.

Then you both ignore the elephant in the room and start making out every now and then and act like fucking rabbits at every chance you get. Then you get into an argument, but they tell you that they want you and they promise to go at any speed that you want your relationship with them to move at and have another one of those killing kisses but still don't discuss the big ass elephant still blocking the way to the door of the room.

And now, you both act like a normal couple, which includes going through the halls of your office holding hands, going over to his parent's house and having dinner with his parents and sometimes even staying over at his penthouse.

But even through all that, you're unsure of what you are. Yes, you trust them and they trust you; yes, you know they aren't in a relationship and everything is perfect, but it's too good to be true.

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