Happy valentine's day my cutie pie ❤️✨

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My Dearest wife ❣️

As I sit here, thousands of kilometers away from you, my heart aches with the longing to hold you close on this special day. It's our first Valentine's Day together, and though the miles may separate us, know that my love for you knows no bounds.

Every day of the past 10 months has been a testament to the depth of my feelings for you. Your beautiful eyes, your enchanting lips, and your soul, so pure and radiant, have captured my heart in a way I never thought possible. You are my everything, my guiding light in the darkness of this distance.

I may not have lavish gifts or extravagant surprises to offer you today, but please know that my love for you is the most precious gift I can give. With every beat of my heart, with every breath I take, I am reminded of the incredible bond we share.

My love, despite the miles that separate us, I want you to know that I am committed to building a future with you. I dream of the day when we can finally be together, when we can wake up in each other's arms and share our lives in person.

I promise you, my darling, that no matter what obstacles may come our way, I will always stand by your side. I will do everything that is necessary for use and defy the odds to make our love story a reality. You are the one I want to spend my forever with, and nothing will ever change that.

So on this Valentine's Day, as we celebrate our love across the miles, know that you are cherished beyond measure. You are my soulmate, my partner in crime, and my greatest love. And no distance can ever diminish the depth of my affection for you.

Lastly, my love, I want you to know that distance is merely a temporary obstacle in our path. Every day brings us closer to the moment when we can finally be together, to laugh, to love, and to build our future side by side.

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