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       I woke up the next day alone in the living room. I sat up noticing that Farleigh wasn't next to me anymore and I just guessed he left when he woke up, I just shrugged it off. I stood up from the couch and stretched my arms then folded the blanket I used then fixed up the couch.

Once I was done stretching, I was making my way back to my room when I saw Venetia walking down the hallway. When Venetia saw me, she was snickering. I raise an eyebrow at her confused on what she was laughing at. "You should look in the mirror, hun" she said patting my shoulder as she walked past me. I then again stared at her with confusion as she walks away. I went to my room and checked it the vanity mirror.

Once I was in front of the mirror, I saw my face had drawings all over as if a child drew on my face. I immediately took some makeup remover wipes and tried to wipe it away aggravated but as to no avail, it did not in fact come off. I immediately knew who was behind this. "That little fucking son of a bitch!" I said infuriated. I stormed out of my room and stomped my way to the other side of the mansion to Farleigh's room as I was cursing him out.

Once I arrived in front of his door, I was banging on the door. "Farleigh fucking Start, open the door!" The door then abruptly opened revealing Farleigh in a gold silk robe showing his chest.

"What?" He glared at me, once he saw my face he couldn't keep it in and just bursted out laughing "Well don't you look lovely this fine morning" He said while he was still snickering. I pushed him out off the way and went in to his room. His room was well furnished and was full of designer that was worth more than everything I own. "Waltz right in I guess" He rolled his eyes as he closed his door.

"What the hell did you put in my face? I can't get it off" I said with a scowl as I crossed my arms.

He snickered "Oh that? I think it looks good on you, don't you?" 

I glared at him "Just tell me how to get it off" I whine. Farleigh leaned down to my eye level.

"You're cute when you whine" He said, his face just inches away from mine. The action caused a slight flushed tint on my face as I leaned back.

"Ever heard about the concept of personal space?" I snarl.

Farleigh fixed his posture "Nope" he replied as he went to his bedside table to get something and threw it at me "Here, cleanse with this, it'll probably get that off your face" he said

"Probably?" I raise an eyebrow at him "Your fucking dead if this doesn't come off, you little fucker" I threatened him

"Sure you will" He grinned "No go, I have to take a bath" He shooed me away before smirking at me "Unless you want to take a bath with me" he said stepping closer with a suggestive tone

"I'd rather eat shit and die" I rolled my eyes as I walked to the door

"Suit yourself, can't say you're not missing out" He said still smirking as I went out of his room


                Venetia was making googly eyes at Oliver as she was sitting on the ladder at the Library while Oliver was on the couch. I was scanning the bookshelf for something to read. I saw a book that caught my, I book that I read before but never got to finish I but it was at the top shelf. I glance over to where Felix was when I last saw him but he wasn't in the library anymore 'Maybe he went to go get something or went to the bathroom' I thought. I couldn't bother even bothering Venetia for the ladder as she looked like she was in deep smitten with Oliver. I sighed and tried to jump to get it, I even tried to stand on a small stool. I let out a frustrated groan when I couldn't reach the book.

When I was about to give up on he book, a hand above my head reached for it and took it "This one?" I nod and turn around to see Farleigh so close to me "You want to read this book?" he said, the book still in his hand holding it over my head "The main character's sister killed the love interest 'cause she wanted to be the one to marry the main character" he spoiled the book. I furrowed my eyebrows at him "I know, pretty fucked up" 

"You're fucked up" I glared at him

"Takes one to know one, huh?" He grinned 

I pushed past him sulking on one of the couch as he followed and sat next to me "I really wanted to know how that book ended on my own" I frowned as I slumped in the couch

"God. Have better taste in books" He said as he crossed his legs and got a magazine on the coffee table "I only spoiled the ending because it was a shitty book" He said with his eyes glued to the magazine.

"Prick" I said under my breath.

"Bitch" Farleigh countered giving me a side eye "Guess the cleansing balm worked" he said as his eyes darts back to the magazine. He noticed that there weren't anymore of the drawings he left on my face.

"You wouldn't have seen the light of day if it didn't" I said cuddling the pillow of the couch as my back faced him. I went on my phone just scrolling through social media, seeing what other people were doing with their summer. A while later, Felix came back with a tray of tea and biscuits. 

"Ah, good timing. I'm parched" Venetia said as she climbed down the ladder as Felix helped her. All of them gathered around the coffee table but I was too lazy to get up.  As Farleigh was about to stand, I tugged on his sleeve causing him to look at me with a blank stare and raised his eyebrow.

"What?" He asked sharply

"Get me a cookie, I want the one with the strawberry frosting" I said glancing at the tray. Farleigh pulled his sleeve away and replied with a simple "Fine" as he walked to the coffee table.

"How do you like your tea?" Farleigh said glancing at me in a surprisingly calm tone.

"With some honey" I replied. After adding some honey to my tea, he walked back towards me and sat back down after giving me my tea and cookie "Is this poisoned?" I asked as I raised me eyebrows feeling caution about him being calm. Usually we were throwing death threats at each other, is he really trying to attempt to kill me?

"Yes" He said in a sarcastic yet calm tone as he glanced at me. I squint my eyes at him as I took a sip of my tea, it was surprisingly delicious, not too sweet, not too bland. I just shrugged it off and went back to what I was doing.


             I was walking through the hallways after dinner when I saw Venetia and Oliver out the window. They looked so close then all of a sudden Oliver kneeled in front of Venetia

"What the... hell" I could not believe what the hell was unfolding. 

"Well aren't you a little pervert" A voice said behind me causing me to snap my attention behind me.

"I am not" I said defensively as I turned around. There I see Farleigh with a smirk

"You get off to watching other people do shit?" He said leaning closer

"What the fuck, Farleigh? I don't. I didn't even know what was going on at first" I rolled my eyes as I took a step back, my back hitting the window.

Farleigh looked outside the window to the two and whispered something "That stupid little boy" He scoffed as he shook his head "Oh just wait till Felix hears about this"

"You tattletale, it's not even any of your business to tell in the first place" I said

"Oh you are so naive" He looked down on me 'Makes me want to break you even more' He thought. I suddenly had a bad feeling about everything that's going to happen.

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