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4-year-old Anna laid in her bed, wide awake. She turned and stared at the northern lights which glistened outside her window. There was no going back to sleep now, so there was only one thing to do. Anna slid off her bed, rushed over to her sister's bed, and climbed on top of it.

"Elsa! Psst. Elsa! Psst." Anna whispered, not desiring to draw the attention of the castle staff....or her parents. Elsa didn't wake up, so Anna decided to use a bit more force.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!" She whisper-yelled, bouncing up and down on Elsa's bed. Finally, Elsa stirred.

"Anna, go back to sleep." She mumbled, waving Anna away without opening her eyes.

"I just can't. the sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to go and play." Anna persuaded, not backing down.

"Go play by yourself." Elsa returned, shoving Anna off the bed.

The red-headed sister was surprised at how much strength her older sister had. As well as the fact that she apparently would rather sleep than go and play. 'She's no fun'. Anna pouted. 'It's like the only thing she likes is...' Gasp.

With that thought, Anna quickly clamored onto the bed again and cautiously opened Elsa's eyelid. "Do you want to bake some pancakes?" She asked mischievously.

Elsa's eyes popped open and she smiled just as mischievously as her sister.


"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Anna rushed, pulling Elsa through the many twists and turns that created the hallways.

"Shh! Slow down!" Elsa laughed, her sister's enthusiasm being overly contagious.

Finally they reached the kitchen. Anna led Elsa over to an island and they both stood on the chairs. "Do the magic! Do the magic!" Anna chanted, her green eyes shimmering with excitement.

Elsa complied, smiling all the while as she turned her hands in a circle, creating a ball of pancake batter. She threw it up into the air before it landed in a loud splat on the counter. Anna oohed, then ran around, grabbing all the supplies she could think off. Setting them on the table, she grabbed a cookie cutter and tried to cut shapes into it, even though every time it just slopped back into its normal glob. Elsa laughed, showing her sister how it was really done.

Soon enough, Anna got a little bored and started a food fight. She grabbed the pancake slop and threw it at Elsa when her back was turned. The elder sister gasped, turning around with shock. Anna was afraid she had made Elsa mad. It was true, Elsa was mad....
..Mad as a hatter. She quickly summoned a batch of blueberries and tossed them at her little sis, who was by now a blue mess.

The food fight was in full swing, until Elsa forgot to actually throw her ammo. Instead, she magicked it towards Anna.

The magic hit Anna right in the head. Elsa barely noticed it until Anna collapsed on the ground. Elsa quickly went over to Anna and kneeled beside the fallen red-head, rocking Anna's head in the brunette's own arms.

"Anna? Momma! Poppa!" Elsa called when she noticed her sister refused to awaken. "It's okay Anna,". She whispered, "Everything's going to be okay."


Two horses galloped through the night, taking a small grass path in the forest. They soon came upon a clearing with several boulders. The king dismounted his starling white horse and stood in the center of the clearing with his four-year-old daughter in his hands. "Help!" He cried out into the clearing. "We need help."

Nothing happened for a moment.

Then, out of nowhere, boulders started rolling into the clearing. Then they popped up into a crowd of trolls which surrounded the royal family. The largest boulder rolled forward as the crowd made way for it. It was the eldest troll, the one they called GrandPabbie.

"Born with the powers or cursed?"

"Born." the King replied, showing Anna to the troll. "And they're getting stronger."

GrandPabbie motioned for them to bring Anna closer so that he can examine her. "You are lucky it wasn't her heart. The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be persuaded."

"Do what you must." The king acknowledges, preparing himself for the worst.

"I recommend we remove all magic,
even memories of magic to be safe....But don't worry, I'll leave the fun." He winks at Elsa.

Grandpabbie rests his hands on Anna's head. He then lifts his hands up, pulling glowing orb of memories from her head. The memories are visible to all as he changes each memory. "She'll be okay."

"But she won't remember I have
powers?" Elsa asks, saddened.

"It's for the best." The king reassures.

"Listen to me, Elsa, your power will
only grow."

Magically the northern lights create a representations of Elsa and other towns folk. The Light Elsa is creating pancakes for the townsfolk to enjoy.

"There is beauty in your magic....
But also great danger."

At his words, the beautiful magic transforms into gooey mess. The light towns folk become angry and mob-like, and they begin attacking the Light Elsa.

"You must learn to control it. Fear will be your enemy."

Elsa hid behind her Dad's leg as he spoke up. "We won't let that happen. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure. Until then, we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff. We will limit her contact with people and keep her powers hidden from everyone... including Anna."


Why is she moving out? Doesn't she like me anymore?

Frozen with a Twist: BreakfastWhere stories live. Discover now