Chapter 1: Do You Want to Make Some Pancakes?

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It's been a week since Anna has last seen her sister, which was highly unusual.  So, of course, Anna has to see what was going on.  Knowing that there was one way that always worked to get Elsa to play with her, she knocked on Elsa's door and called,

"Do you want to make some pancakes? Come on let's go and eat. We never have them anymore, I'll clean up the floor, I saved you seat! We used to eat them all the time, but now we're don't. I wish you'd tell me why! Do you wanna make some pancakes? It doesn't have to be blueberry...."

"I want French Toast."  Came Elsa's answer.  It saddened Anna to know that it meant that Elsa really didn't want to hang out with her.

"Okay, Fine...."


It was a cool autumn morning as Elsa looked out the window.  If only she could lift the window and breathe in that fresh morning air.  Readjusting her position to get a better view of the castle courtyard, Elsa felt a gooey mess beneath her fingers.   She jerked back and found the goo was pancake batter, now covered with sour milk and chocolate chips. 

Gerda was actually in Elsa's personal bathroom, cleaning, at that moment when the gasp of fear escaped the mouth of the little princess.  "What's wrong dear?"  She asked as she scurried into the bedroom.  Noticing the breakfast mess, she immediately rang for the king. 

As soon as King Agdar arrived at his daughter's room, Gerda was thanked and dismissed.   He kneeled down in front of Elsa so that he was as tall as her.  He pulled out a pair of gloves and slipped them on her hands. "The gloves will help.  See?  Conceal it."

"Don't feel it." Elsa continued.

"Don't let it show." The king joined in for the final sentence.  He knew this plan would work.  It had worked in the past, and it would work this time.  In fact, it was already working.  This was the first time this year one of the castle staff had seen it.


Knock knock kn-knock knock

That's right, it was time try again. Anna was now age 9, which meant that Elsa was 12. Anna was having trouble remembering all the times they played together in the past.  What she did remember though, was that they were best friends and Anna was sure they could be that way again. 

"Do you wanna make some pancakes? Or belgian waffles? Come on we can make a batch, we can start from scratch, however long it takes!

"Come on Elsa.

"It gets a little lonely, in this empty kitchen just watching the timer tick on!!!"

Tick-tock Tick-tock Tick-tock Tick-tock


Why wouldn't Elsa answer?  Because earlier that day, her powers grew stronger. 

"I'm scared!  It's getting stronger!"  Elsa exclaimed, staring at the mess she had made.  Pancake splattered the corner, ruining the wallpaper, carpet, and the baseboard. It stunk of raw eggs and burnt toast, though they weren't sure where those specific items were. 

"Getting upset only makes it worse."  The king took a step towards her with his arms outstretched. 

"Stay back!"  Elsa exclaimed, holding her arms to her chest and taking a step backwards.   "I don't want to hurt you."  She explained, turning her face away in shame. 

Their Majesties Adgar and Idun gave each other alarmed looks. Now she was abandoning their comfort. This was not going well.


Elsa's door.  It might not have been 14 years that she has tried to get her sister's attention, but Anna decided it was no longer worth it.  'Besides,' she thought, 'I have to say farewell to my beloved parents.' She paused at that thought, right outside Elsa's door. 'Geez, Those princess lessons are really taking there toll.' Glancing one last time at the door that never opened, Anna continued on her way to her parents' quarters. 

The closer she got, the faster she ran until her body was buried in her parent's now outstretched arms.  Her father let out a chuckle. 

"See you in two weeks!"   Anna said as she departed from her parents' arms.


Elsa curtsied to her parents, staying a fair distance from them.  "Do you have go?"  Elsa implored.

"You'll be fine Elsa." Her father assured her, not bothering to give her hug, as she would just back away if he tried.

They waved goodbye as the king and queen prepared to set sail.


"THEY'RE WHAT?" Anna screamed, causing Gerda to grab her ear for fear it would break.

"Your mother and father are dead." Gerda repeated and gently as she could, offering her arm out to the grieving teen.

"No, no, no. They can't be." Anna muttered, taking up Gerda's offer and weeping into her shoulder. After a few minutes, Anna, with a tear streaked face, looked up and asked,

"Does Elsa know?"


Kai, Gerda's husband, was informing Elsa of this tragedy at that very moment, but when told of the funeral, Elsa refused to attend. Anna simply assumed that it was the unbearable grief. However, not long after the funeral, she refused to accept that as the lone possibility.

The door. It still remained shut and locked. One day it will open...... It was time to see if today was the day.

Deep Breaths.


"Elsa?" She called, desperate to hear the voice of the only other person on the planet who was in the same place as she.

"Please. I know you're in there. People have been giving us pancakes. They say have courage, but it's impossible. I just can't without you, please help me bake. We only have each other, it's just you and me. What are we going to do? Do you wanna have some pancakes-"

It's useless. Have I really lost all the family I'll ever have?

Anna sobbed her heart out with this last thought.


Oh Anna! If only you knew! I've lost everyone else but you. If you come too close, I could lose you too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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