chapter 10 Replaced

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Elsa's head popped up and she turned away from the window when, she head footsteps from inside. "Li Hua?! I'M HOME! ARE YOU STILL THERE?!" Kato called setting his bookbag down on a shelf.

"Li Hua? I'm so glad your still here." Kato said with a smile on his face. Elsa headed down the stairs to see Kato. She could suddenly see that even though Kato was delighted to see her. She could see the sadness in deep in his eyes. He must hide it very well. 

"You can tell I'm not well. Can you?"  Kato looked down on the ground. Just then, they both heard the sound of thunder and it began to rain cats and dogs outside. "Look Li Hua?" Kato looked at Elsa with worry. I thank you for being a good friend and I know things have been hard on me lately and I'm glad to have spend a lot of time with you when your here but this isn't gonna work out." Kato picked up an umbrella.

"Wait?" Elsa rushed towards Kato. Elsa knew how dangerous thunder storms can be and she didn't wanna see Kato get hurt. It will worry her to much and she really wanted to visit all of her friends and family, especially Kato. He is her one true love and she will be willing to die for him all though, she is an immortal now. She couldn't be her mortal self and even if she wanted to, it isn't that simple. 

"I'm coming with you." Elsa rested her hands on Kato's shoulders. "Where would you like to go and I'll take you there?" Elsa suggested. Kato looked at her with budded eyes. I just want to find Elsa." Elsa's eyes widen with shock and her heart began to race. Just by listening to Kato say that, it made her smile to herself with relief. She felt like she wanted to tell him but he was so sad, she didn't feel like it was the right time to tell him. 

"Ok. Hold on and don't freak out." Elsa wrapped her arms around him. "What are you doing?" Kato asked. "Just trust me." Elsa said. Then all of a sudden, Elsa flew up in the air as, Kato looked around with his eyes widen with fear. "AA! I don't do heights." He began to close his eyes to hold onto her tightly. "It's ok. I'm taking you to the city where you usually see her." Elsa replied.

Elsa landed on the ground with Kato still holding her. "How did you do that?" Kato asked. "Talent." Elsa smirked looking away from him trying not to blush. 

"What ever that is, that is not any kind of talent I've ever seen before." Kato backed away. "Um? Aren't you supposed to be looking for someone?" Elsa teased leaning in towards him. "Oh, right. I'll go look over here." Kato took out his umbrella opening it and put it over himself.

"I'll look over here." Elsa called and quickly turned away rushing off like lightning. She knew her house was just around the corner. If she wasn't ever gonna see her brother Kevin and her mother Anabella, she would at least like to see them all one last time. She knew mortals lives don't last nearly as long as, immortals do. They're lives will all end someday leaving her alone to only be with Emperor Da Hu. Who else will be her family? Those thoughts made Elsa tear a bit until, she stopped running when she noticed she was at her house. 

Elsa could hear voice's coming from inside the house. She quickly leaped on top of the fence to listen closely to what was going on. 

"Did you call her friends?" Elsa noticed it was her brother who was speaking. She noticed her father was there too and her mother. Her father opened the curtains to see Elsa standing on the fence. The man had worried eyes. Elsa could almost feel his sorry. Her father then turned away from her as, she continued to watch him from outside. "I did but know body saw her." Anabella said sitting on the couch. 

"Why would you even bother asking her friends anyway? You should've contacted me sooner." Her father said nodding his head lifting a brow and crossing his arms. "We thought they might've known where she went." Kevin stepped towards him. "At least her friends cared enough to go looking for her unlike you." Anabella got up narrowing her eyes and making fists. "Excuse me?" Her father stepped towards Anabelle. "I DO CARE MORE THEN YOU!" I visit her now and then." "ONLY ONCE!" Anabelle cried as, she stomped her foot on the ground. 

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