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I have decided fuck it and Georgie's daughters are officially reinstated

she has two now btdubs

Clementine Cosette Rogers (born 1975) and Vivie Rosie Rogers (born 1979)

Clementine was a HYDRA experiment and was sold to Sokovia when she was eight and was injected with super soldier serum, trained for a couple years, then put in cryo freeze and she got rescued at the end of Age of Ultron but was seen at the start and then later Steve described her to Georgie and she was like "hold on a minute"

Vivie was born with super soldier serum and sold to another HYDRA base when she was eight and was cryo freezed and then moved around for awhile and then unfreezed shortly before the blip happened so she went around and then everyone got blipped and she got found by Mama Donya and basically she's replacing Kath

they have different fathers btw

might add in something where Vivie still gets s/a'd and somehow has a kid

also I'll get back to you on the actresses but at the very least one of them if not both is gonna be Lillian's niece

Clementine is joining the gemstones

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