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hi merry thanksgiving or whatever tf here are some oc fun facts and headcanons I copy pasted from my notes

t/w sexual abuse mention, religious trauma mention

Pixie and her siblings were born into a van life family and they lived that way until she was five when their parents realized that it might be better to raise three kids in a stable non moving house so they did just that

Violet's (paternal) great grandmother and great aunt are Shannon and Rita Wallace aka Mother Jane and Daughter Doe. her grandmother is Shannon's youngest child/Rita's younger sister, Maryann Wallace, now Maryann Davidson ofc

when she was I'm gonna say six, Delilah, while their parents were out, begged Juliet and Allie to dye her hair half pink, because Melanie has always been her favorite DC character, both of them agreed and her autistic ass has refused to change it ever since

Ronan Charles, Kallie's father, has a lot of religious trauma and was sexually abused by his pastor growing up so he vowed to keep his kids away from religion. another note is that when Kallie finally told her parents she'd been sexually abused, Ronan felt beyond guilty for not being able to protect her from that

Natalie and Kallie have a podcast together, kind of like And That's Why We Drink entitled Go Grab The Napkins. Natalie tells a paranormal story and then Kallie shares a true crime story

Rory knows Jake's real name for funny reasons (mom working for the government stuff, trust) and she just kept it to herself for awhile until there's a big dramatic scene in one of the shows/movies/whatever tf they're in together where Jake's just not listening to her so she shouts "William!" and I would like to know how Jake would react to that

in TFATWS, when Ellie and Ella have their big fight or whatever, and since Artie you said Ella doesn't find out Dolley's alive until the very end I imagine Ellie tried to say something about Dolley being alive and that's what provoked Ella to push her off a balcony

another TFATWS scene that's been living my head rent free is Ellie saying "My sister was a good person, I am not. End of story, it goes no further than that." to a flag smasher comparing her and Susie and that flag smasher is now Ella for obvious reasons

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