Chapter 3: Mission in Mexico

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(Keith, Dimitris, Harper, Rafael, The Mega Mixers and Los Vaqueros are seen in Mexico.)

Keith: So this is where Ivor and his faction were last seen.

Dimitris: And it looks like the Ultimate Villainous Troops are there too.

(They notice the Ultimate Villainous Troops, but as they were about to engage them, they hear something as they turn to see some unknown helicopters and warbirds.)

Harper: Hold on.

(They notice some Logos on them that say "The Union Corporation". Fernando "Raul" Marquez deploys the Union Corporation Soldiers.)

U. C. Soldier 1: Move it!

(The Union Corporation Soldiers move forward.)

Harper: It's deploying Union Corporation.

(One of the Union Corporation Soldiers sees the heroes.)

U. C. Soldier 2: Hostile, zeroed in!

(Raul is seen still in the helicopter as it leaves.)

Rafael: Ah shit. That's another kind of fight.

(The heroes start engaging the Union Corporation soldiers, who unlike the rest of the Ultimate Villainous Troops, proved to be harder to take down, much to their confusion.)

Vargas: Those Union Corporation guys are tougher than the others.

Rafael: How is that possible?

(They shrug it off and continue their mission until they stumble upon a building that's like a tower. It's one of Ivor's Iron Fists' bases.)

Vargas: Let's get in.

(They get inside, and read the backstory of Ivor's Iron Fists.)

Vargas: So the faction was formed after their leader left the Order of Stone.

Ash: And also before all of this started.

Brock: You mean the entire merging stuff?

Vargas/Ash: (nod) Exactly.

(While they are reading about Ivor's Iron Fists' background, Misty finds out a last report of Ivor.)

Misty: Oh god. Give a look at that.

(The others approach Misty.)

Kai: What is it?

Misty: Looks like Ivor can't control a monster known as the Wither Storm. And now it's controlled by none other than Megatronus Prime.

Serena: The Fallen?

(Suddenly they see the pictures of Union-Verse's James Ironwood and Atlas Soldiers.)

Dawn: And that's not all. Looks like he sent both Ironwood and Atlas Soldiers from Union-Verse to capture it.

(The heroes get shocked and angry. Suddenly they hear some voices.)

Keith: It's them.

(Keith thought so, but it's actually the Ultimate Villainous Troops, Union Corporation Soldiers, and one of their bosses: Bombmaker.)


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