Chapter 1: "Damn it"

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People think I've had it easy. They think I have no idea what pain of any kind feels like.

They've never asked how my day was and cared about what my response was because that's the thing nobody ever actually cares about. They're too caught up in their own life with their problems to care about mine or anyone else's. It's never really mattered to me if they cared or not. I'm used to only one person caring, apparently, it's what happens when you're the last in line for the throne, or when you have my father.

My father, King Heron. Has never treated me like I'm his kid. I wish that was true but I know it's not. I'm too much like him for me not to be his. I have the same brown eyes, a strong jawline, same anger issues, and I used to have the same auburn hair but I fixed that, I dyed it all light pink last month. He was so pissed. It was hilarious.

I've always been closer to my mother, she's always there to put band-aids on me when I fall, to help me in school, and anytime I've needed help she's always there for me. She's always cared, I'm not saying our relationship is perfect, nothing's perfect, but at least it's better than my father's and mine.

Then there's my sister and brother who have always been closer to my father, probably because they're his favorites. He didn't even care when Barb introduced the family to her stupid boyfriend.

I don't get why the rest of the family thinks he's so great.

Why can't they see how uncomfortable he makes me? All the things he says and does when no one is watching.

Those are the types of things that give me nightmares. Make my skin crawl. "Hey, Princey~" I hear a familiar voice say, my smile fades, and I turn around to see Eric my sister's boyfriend. "Oh, hey Eric, Barb's in"– "I know where she is, I'm here for you, princey~" He whispers in my ear, cutting me off. God, I hate that he calls me that, "I told you to stop calling me that, I don't appreciate you trying to get with me. Especially when you're dating my fucking sister" I yell at him pushing him away. I turn around and attempt to walk away. "Careful, we both know you have more to lose if anyone finds out" Eric pauses his voice getting closer. "However you are right. I shouldn't be doing this but I can't help myself, you're just too hard to resist" He scoffs, trying to grab my ass. I ball up my fist and the way his voice sounded made me want to die.

I wish I could throw a swift punch to his face and make his nose bleed but I don't. I walk away. Not listening to his begging.

I walk down the hallway of the castle, heading to my room, sadly I get stopped before walking completely into my room. When I hear my father's booming voice from downstairs "Andrew William Heron" "Damn it" I mumble to myself.

As I walk downstairs all I can think about is if Eric told my father something. Eric's right I have more to lose, he knows I do. I gulp before heading into the dining room. "Y- Yes, Sir, did you need to see me?" I ask. "No I called you down here for fun of course I need to see you!" He shouts at me, making me flinch. "Oh calm down, a little yelling never hurts anyone, you and Mother both need to understand that. Go to the kitchen and help her" He yells, I notice his knuckles that were covered in bruises and bleeding a bit.

I know why they were like that but I can't believe he would do that. Not to her.

"Yes sir, I will" I answered him. "I don't care if it's me he's screaming at but not my Mom, I won't allow that." I thought to myself. That thought and my feet immediately stop when I walk into the kitchen, "Mom!" I shout rushing over to her. She's lying on the floor by the sink, with blood on her lip. "Yes, sweetheart" her voice is fragile and scared. "What happened?" I say pleading. "Oh you know your father, he's got that short temper" She coughs some blood up. I feel the anger boil inside me. "I swear to god. I will not let him get away with this" I grab a rag and wipe up some of the blood. "No. No. No. Don't do anything" "Mother I can't just let him do this to you. He deserves to fucking die for thinking he can do this" My mother grabs my face forcing me to look at her. "Andrew, I don't want to hear you say anything like that. Ever. Again. Do you understand?"

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