Tony Stark waves his finger at you, shouting. You had filled all his suits with confetti and ransacked his lab, which in hindsight probably wasn't a very good idea, but his face when he opened the door to his lab was priceless.
The only reason you were caught was because you had burst out laughing.
Stark took a deep, shuddering breath and stepped closer, poking his finger into your chest with each word. "Just because you have no parents doesn't mean you can run wild! You-"
You cut across him, the hilarity of the situation wearing off. "Okay-" you chuckle dryly. "-first of all, get your greasy ass finger off my white shirt. Second, dont forget, Stark, you don't have parents either, and you run more wild than I do."
"Peter, come get your partner," Stark calls into the kitchen.
Peter moves toward you an puts a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n, maybe it's time to calm down and say sorry." he says it as a question.
"No, Peter. This oily bag of tits deserves what he got, and I will not apologize. Sit down and enjoy the show. " you push him towards the couch a little.
"Sit please, Peter. " he keeps standing, staring at you. "I SAID SIT. " you spit the words like venom from your mouth.
Peter sits on the couch. "Sorry." you say to him and look back to Stark, who was watching the whole exchange with slight amusement.
He carefully schools his expression as you roll up your sleeves and take out your earrings. You hand them to Peter. "Hold please."
"Do you wanna go, Stank?"
"Yeah! Yeah, I wanna go!" he rolls up his sleeves too and throws his sunglasses over his shoulder.
The fight ends fast, with the billionaire headlocked in your muscular arms. "Okay," he chokes out. "I yield. I'm sorry."
"You have to mean it, Stark."
You let him go and he falls, not ready. You snicker. Peter stares in awe. "That was so cool. You totally just beat Mr. Stark's ass."
"Thanks, Pete." you take your earrings back and wind your arm through Peter's, sashaying your way out of the living room, where Thor and Clint had been watching the whole thing, sharing a box of pop-tarts.
For all the Tom Holland fans out there <3
Love you!! Get some sleep, drink some water, or eat some food. happy Valentine's Day!!

Avengers oneshots ig
FanfictionLmk if u want me to do sequels or if u have any requests or if u wanna take my idea(s) and make a book Ps there's swearing and sexual innuendos in this