~ The gambled soul ~

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This is most likely going to be my first ever and maybe only time that i write a book and publish it. If i do end up writing more stories - they're going to end up like this one.
P.S. I will have read some other Huskerdust fanfics for inspiration.
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The casino was filled with chatter from many types of demons, specifically Imps. Many were either gambling or they were getting completely wasted by the pub. Many were surrounding a singular table, where two well-known overlords remained seated playing poker.

Two powerful overlords walked into the casino, their eyes focusing on one person. Husk. Whom was the owner of the casino and a well-known, wealthy and powerful overlord; Husk only noticed them when the room fell to silence.

Husk glanced over to the entrance, his eyes slightly widened in suspense. They had another demon alongside Valentino, he had white fluffy hair, bright pink eyes, and was wearing a lighter shade of pink to match them. He also had four arms, one of them being squeezed by Valentino's aggressive grip. However, even this wasn't the first thing Husk saw. He instantly noticed smudged makeup around his eyes which completely revealed the black eye that he seemed to had tried so hard to cover up.
"What do you want Vox?" Husk avoided making eye contact with Valentino; he despised the way that Val used his power. He tried not to acknowledge his presence and focused his attention on Vox.

"Husker, my good friend! How have you been? I see you're still getting straight to the point!" Vox stated, smiling mimically. Husk gave him a frown and rolled his eyes, signalling that he obviously didnt have time for his bullshit. "My friend Valentino here wants to make you an offer. One that you may be unable to refuse." Vox now smiled devilishly at his words and allowed Valentino to speak. "I want to make a bet with you. One for 40% of the money you earn from your casino." Husk stared at him and chuckled.
"Why the fuck would I give you any money I earn from my casino? What can you possibly bet for it?" He was the complete opposite of worried. He was intrigued in what the moth had to say.
Valentino let out a slow sigh. "I gamble with my best moneymaker, soul and pornstar... Angel Dust! He is very well-known and I can assure you that if you employ him then you'll get a whole lot of horny sinners to come in!"

Husk stared in shock as he was well aware of who Angel Dust was due to the massive billboards he'd see whenever he'd look outside of the Casino windows. He rarely went out into the streets of Hell. He had no reason to go out.

"Well then, that settles it." Husk says, getting up from his current seat and headed towards the poker table. Every demons head turned to Husk, Valentino, Vox and they all appeared to be gawking at Angel Dust. Husk seemed to notice this and covered Angel with his left wing out of pure respect. Angel wasn't used to gestures like this so when Husk looked over to him, Angel had already turned his head to face the other way.

Valentino and Husk sat down at the table. Vox stood up, believing it wasnt his place to sit down in a poker match that he wasn't participating in. Angel stood up beside him involuntarily. Sinners crowded around the table, fascinated in who would be victorious between these two Overlords.

"LUCIFER FUCKING DAMN IT. FUCK YOU!" Valentino screamed immaturely. Having a complete tantrum after losing to someone whoes whole life has been devoted to gambling, alcohol and card games. "I DEMAND A REMATCH. I CANNOT ALLOW MYSELF TO BE BEATEN BY A LAZY ALCOHOLIC SUCH AS YOURSELF!" Vox glared at Valentino, who was not paying enough attention to Vox's signals, but was more concerned about his loss. "VAL." Vox's electronic voice echoed and his screen had flickered to attract Valentino's attention. "You shouldn't yell at someone who won fair and square. You're well aware of this." Valentino opened his mouth to reply, but shut up as he came to the realisation that everyone in the casino was staring at them. "I deeply apologise for this Husker, however please do consider giving Angel back to us. Val seems to be unable to live without him." Vox stated, as the contract immediately teleported into Husk's hands, purple chains appearing on Angels wrists. "Yeah, whatever."

Vox and Valentino walked out of the casino building furiously. Valentino looking back to Husk with a stare that tells him, 'I will be back for Angel Dust, Husk.'

Husk looked over towards Angel Dust, who seemed like he was experiencing some kind of trauma because of the chains. Husk observed Angel's fearful expression for a while before making the chains disappear. "I would like to let you know that I am nothing like that fucker." Husk said in annoyance, hinting to Angel that he hated being compared to Valentino. "Y-Yeah, I can tell." Angel stumbled over his own words. "You seem uncomfortable, so tomorrow you won't have to work. You can get used to the atmosphere first. Do you have a place to stay?" Angel gazed at Husk in awe, he didn't know that demons in Hell could be this understanding. He shook his head. "Alright, theres a room opposite my office that you can stay in. Follow me."

Angel's eyes observed his room, he loved it but was unsure about expressing his emotions. "Hey um, Husky?" Husk was just about to leave the room before he paused. Husky?

"Yes?" Husk replied nonchalantly. "Is it okay.. um.." Angel hesitated. "Can you get something from the Vee's now?" Angel said quickly and loudly so he wouldn't have to repeat himself. "What is it?" "M-my pet. If you don't allow pets, thats fine! It's just he's the only thing I really care about right now so-.." Before Angel could continue rambling on, Husk had already left, shutting the door behind him. "Okay." Angel said with a few voice cracks here and there. He climbed onto his bed and curled up into a ball. His upper set of limbs covering his eyes in an attempt to stop himself from crying. His second pair was holding his knees together. He hated the way he was acting. He hated Anthony. He hated how soft and how disgraceful Anthony was.

He repeatedly told himself, over and over again, that he would act like Angel Dust tomorrow, comfortable or not.

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1117 words

Huskerdust SLOWBURN (Overlord Husk AU)Where stories live. Discover now