One More Pound

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Machines groaning.


Hearts racing.

Just one more step, one more pound.

No more food, no more water.

Only pretty girls get to eat, get to drink.

Only skinny girls get to breathe, get to live.

"Hannah Batter, a honors student with great integrity and mass, then a whore of a mother and a father who hasn't been caught by the human eyes in over a decade."








It 's funny how a billion names don't necessarily mean a damn thing, but the human mind still believes them, accepts them whole.

Dizziness fills Hannah's head, and her muscles scream in agony and protest. They need rest, she needs rest.

But only pretty and skinny girls get rest.

Ugly fat girls like her can't stop, won't stop.

They're body tells them to quit, while their head tells them otherwise.

Keep walking fat ass, I could see your ass a mile away."

A hundred situps.

Two-hundred crunches.

Three-hundred jumping jacks.

Then four hours on the treadmill, every night.

Away from her mother's lazy eyes, she skips every meal and works her body till it can hardly breathe on it's own.

Just one more step, one more pound.

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