chapter 1: introduction

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i know you wanted things to go into the point right away, but this chapter is for rules and for new readers

i have done age regression books before with different characters from different fsandoms, but this is the first time there will be two age regressed characters

and i want you to know, THIS ISN'T FOR SEXUAL PLAY AT ALL!

i swear, if someone requests for anything sexual while ace and lexi are regressed, i'll throw hands

or delete the comment and block your account like a sane person, i hope you all understand this and if you don't

kiss my ass :)

now, i am still working on the next chapter since i need to go to a prison called school, but i promise to make this book amazing, just like my other age regression books! and the next chapter should be posted in a few hours once i'm able to write again

now, let's get started!

and don't harrass me or my GF about this book and how "it isn't canon" which is why this takes place in our au, so enjoy!

and you can start request soon, just make sure they aren't anything sexual, i will throw hands if i have to

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