chapter 2: secret room

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ace: and this is why we have to be more careful when were on missions.


tech:'stomps on his foot'

duck: ow! you didn't have to step on my foot!

tech: you need to pay attention to what ace is saying, he is trying to help all of us and sleeping during a meeting isn't going to help any of us at all!

lexi: ya, i wanted to listen but your snoring kept getting in the way!

duck: then turn off your ears!

lexi:'activating her brain blast'


slam:'eating popcorn'

rev:'takes some popcorn'

ace: i think it's time to end the meeting for the day, i can tell that all of you are getting irritated at this point, so I think that any the meaning for today is going to be a good idea, it's not good for us to be stressed after all, and to be honest, We can't let our stress get the best of us because we might need to go on a mission sooner or later.

tech: Ace is right, It's probably best to just end the meeting and try to do stuff to calm ourselves down, That's a really good idea ace.

ace: Thank you tech, I'm just doing my best to look after the team, I am the leader after all, And I have to make sure that we are ready for anything.

tech:'smiles at ace'

then they all go into their own rooms, ace secretly walks down a wall and into a secret room.

ace: finally, i'm alone.

then he jumps on a bed full of stuffed animals and plays with them, his mind was slowly becoming younger and younger.

ace:'giggles and plays with two stuffed animals'don't worry princess! we'll save you!

he grabs a stuff dragon and makes one of the other stuffed animals beat up the dragon.

ace: i have defeated the dragon and now, i will marry the princess.

then he makes kissing noises as he makes the two stuffed animals kiss each other.

ace: but wait! a handsome knight as come to seduce the groom!

then he grabs a dog plush and the boy stuffed animal goes to him.

ace: the princess is now planning on murdering the knight so the groom can be all hers!

he does an evil laugh, then yawns.

ace:'yawns'and then.....they live happily.....ever after.

he hugs the stuffed dog before falling asleep.

ace: night night......

then soft snores are heard as ace is shown to be asleep, he had been stressed out and being able to be in this room was his safe spot, where he could be himself and no one was there to judge him.

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