chapter 3: finding ace's secret room

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ace:'wakes up from his and giggles as he hugs a stuffed dog and a teddy bear'

the teddy bear was named bawwa and was one of ace's favorite stuffed animals.

ace: time for more adventures.

meanwhile, tech was in his room sleeping when he felt trever move.

tech:'yawns as he sits up'trever, what is it?

trever: i wanna go play with uncle ace.

tech: well, your uncle ace is sleeping and so should you.

trever: No he's not, I don't feel him sleeping.

tech: you can feel when people are sleeping?

trever: uh huh, sam can't, but i can, I can feel his pre-sence in another room.

tech: interesting, I'll go see what's going on and why Ace is awake right now.

trever: he's not where tha cams are.

tech: That's impossible, My cameras are in every room of the house.

trever: nuh uh, there's blind spots.

teach:....Are you telling me Ace found a blind spot and is hiding away from my cameras right now?

trever: uh huh!

tech: trever, Stay here while I look for Ace and give him a piece of my mind-i mean, Talk to him like the civilized person I am.

trever: But I wanna play with him.

tech: You can play with him in the morning.

trever: okay daddy.

Tech got up from his bed and walked out of his room, Lexi heard him and walked out of hers.

lexi: tech, What are you doing up?

tech: Apparently Ace is still awake.

lexi: What? I haven't heard him.

tech: Apparently he's hiding in a blind spot away from my camera.

lexi: Is the place also soundproof? Because I can't hear anything.

tech: It's a possibility, But why would he go to a room that's a blind spot and soundproof.

then rev raced into the hallway.

rev: Guys what's with all the ruckus? Sam said she heard you guys talking.

sam: i haf good heawing.

tech:'kneels down to her'sam, Go in my room with Trever, We'll explain things later.

sam: otay, mista tech.

she ran to his room and rev looked at tech with a confused look.

tech: Apparently Ace is awake, But he's in a room with a blind spot and it's also soundproof.

rev: wow, i thought i've been everywhere in this tower, i wonder how well it's hidden if i've never seen it! i'll go wake up the others!

tech: wait, that's not necessary-

ran already ran into the other rooms, banging on the doors and soon, slam and duck walked out, with duck having an irritated look on is face.

tech:'groans'damn it rev.....

duck: why are we all awake?!

tech: ace is in a room that doesn't have a camera in it, that's sound proof and none of us know where it is.

trever: i actually do.

everyone jumped when they looked down to see the toddlers.

trever: i can feel where he is if you want me to.

tech; then lead the way, but after this, your going to bed and actually getting some sleep.

trever: yes, daddy.

trever walked around the place and then he pointed to a bookshelf whih had a side opening behind a plant.

trever: There's a hallway behind there, Move the plant.

tech:'moves the planet, Which reveals a hallway'

duck: Why would Ace hide this?!

tech: All right we got it from here, Thank you Trever.

trever: You're welcome Daddy.

rev: I'll look in the hallway to see if I can find any trace of ace.

reference through the hallway then he was back in seconds.

rev: There's only one door so I think I found it.

they all went to the room, tech takes a deep breath and opens the door, seeing that the room was made for a young toddler due to all of the stuffed animals in the room.

tech: this room seems to be made for a toddler.

lexi: but the bed is huge.

duck: and with a giant lump in it.

they froze when they heard a whimper, tech slowly lifts up the blanket and gasped.

ace:'shaking as his nose twitches'

tech: ace?

ace:'eyes widened and hides himself under the blanket, shaking as tears were forming in his eyes'

everyone found out where his secret room was! they knew the truth about him!

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