Chapter 38

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We walked out of the storage area and walked downstairs where Naina was sitting on the dining table with the kids. The kids were removing the cold peels from the boiled potato while Naina was cutting the vegetables.I smiled looking at how helpful they are in general.

As soon as they looked at me they ran to me and hugged me before I said anything

Sreekar: It was all Arjun's plan, he said he dint want to see you sad so we agreed to do that

Shika: Its definately not because of the toys he promised to buy us

Me: Arjun, did you bribe children ?

He gave a sly grin while I shook my head annoyed. The serious, measured guy had this side to him too, its cute

Me: Its okay kids, I dont blame you, I blame your Arjun

I glared at him and he looked back intensely

Naina: I thought you guys patched up

Me: We did 

Naina: Then what's with the glaring ?

Me: We patched up but I did not forgive him

Arjun: And I challenged her that I will make her forgive me. I even told her I definately win, hence the glaring, as she is intimidated 

I rolled my eyes at that and continued interacting with the family around me. I had a sudden realization that this is the first time I felt like I was with them being myself like I would be with my family.  Arjun striked his shoulders with me to pull me out of the daze I was in, he looked at me with a concerned expression but I blinked and ensured him that I was okay.

After dinner we both excused ourselves as he was driving me home. Yes I had this live challenge going on but we cannot ignore the fact that we just confessed and decided that we were a couple. I pushed deeper into my seat folding my hands in front of me blushing at the new beginnings.

Arjun looked towards me with a winning smile

Arjun: Are you thinking what I am thinking?

Me: What are you thinking ?

Arjun: That we are a couple now, are you still not forgiving me ?

Me: Yes we are a couple but forgiveness comes with gestures, efforts and little bit of charm

Arjun: Is it so ?

Me: Ofcourse but yes I was thinking the same thing. We are a couple, its exciting because im looking forward to see all your efforts to gain my forgiveness 

Arjun: Mam, hope you have a strong heart to take in your loss in the challenge

Me: We will discuss this when you do manage to earn my forgiveness

I saw outside and I dont know why I became a kid again

Me: Arjun, Arjun, Arjun I want to stop by the bridge. I want to see the river.

Arjun: Iru, its late, Meera must be worried for you 

Me: I know but I want to see that 

He was still not convinced 

Me: I wanted to see it with you who is my boyfriend

His face glowed at what I said and he got out of the car. I giggled excited and got out of the car too, he waited for me to join him and forwarded his hand to hold it. I looked at his hand with a doubt for which he was about to take his hand back but I smiled and took his hand before he took it back.

We crossed the road holding hands and reached the bridge which overlooked the warmly lit water body. The breeze from the lake carressing our faces

Me: The breeze feels amazing on our faces

He smiled his dimpled smile and nodded which is when the wind blew a few strands of my wild hair on to my face. Arjun looked at them and slid those wild strands behind my ear. It felt good to see the range of emotions he displayed through his eyes like adornation, desire and happiness to be around me. I quickly averted my eyes feeling shy and looked down upon the flowing river. The calmness filled my mind with thoughts. 

A strange sense of fear gripped me for a second thinking about if I lose him. I draped my hands around his arm and laid my head on his shoulder, sighing

Me: Arjun, we will be okay right ?

Arjun: Do you have questions about our love ?

Me: No, I am just scared of the situations which test our patience and love. What if ...

Arjun: Iru, lets think about what if's when something does go wrong. We will discuss it in time and sort it out. Trust me, lets take one step at a time. Fears and insecurity is common but it is dependent on us on how we knead through them without harming ourselfs or our relationship. 

I nodded understanding that he is right. What is the point of overthinking when things are bound to happen

Me: But, you have to bear with me. I am an overthinker, always trying to imagine difficult situations so that I plan ahead to sort it out. Life has always been messy for me, I had no control over the bad, ugly things when those happened so I try to get that control now

I ranted without a care on what he might think. When I did look at him to see his reaction he was looking at me with a soft expression. He stepped forward and kissed my forehead. He remained calm but he put his hand on my hands which were holding his arm and patted it which translated to "We got each other, we will figure it out",

Arjun: I love you 

Me: I love you too but I still have not forgived you 

I winked at him while he ran his hands through his wavy hair looking annoyed


Hello All,

As everybody predicted, Arjun did not get the kiss. Chorry readers, next time.

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