the morning after

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Max wakes up in the morning with El's foot in her face. Her nose scrunched in disgust and annoyance. How does she even stretch like that?

A buzz redirected Max's thoughts to her phone.

"That thing has been buzzing for the past three hours," Lucas whispers while warming up a bottle for Sophia.

Max sighs and scrolls through the notifications. "Most of them are from Josh," She murmurs while rolling her eyes. "This is all Mike's fault for daring me to text him."

Lucas chuckles, "What did he say?"

Max strolls across the living room, handing Lucas her phone while running a hand through her hair. She attempts to rub the sleep out of her eyes as he reads the messages.

Repulsion takes over Lucas's face. He couldn't believe this guy had the nerve to send some of these texts.

I'm about to shower. You should come and join me.

Come on, baby. Don't tease me.

I could make you shake all night.

I bet your so wet for me

"Jesus. He needs to go touch some grass." Lucas hands her back her phone.

"He also needs some grammar lessons because he used the wrong form of your."

"True." They both share a laugh, but Lucas's face sober up quickly. "Is that how guys text you all the time?"

"Pretty much," Max laughs off. "Well, every guy except Mike."

He watches as her fake smile disappears when they lock eyes with each other. Lucas can see the hurt in her eyes. It is hidden well, but he notices it regardless.

"You shouldn't have to deal with that," Lucas's smooth voice makes Max gulp. "I hope you know you deserve so much better because no guy should ever talk to a girl like that."

Despite her efforts, tears begin to brim her eyes. Most guys at her school view her as a piece of meat. Lust fills their eyes when they see her. It is the primary reason she stays away from the boys at her school. That is how Max knows Lucas is different. Never has he ever inappropriately looked at her.

"Thank you," She choked out.

They hold intimate eye contact until a loud groan brings them back to reality.

"What's for breakfast?" Mike whines as he gets up.

Mike's intense bedhead makes them both break out in laughter. Their loud chuckles wake El up.

"I have cinnamon rolls in the oven," Lucas points at the dough that slowly rises from the heat.

"Yessssssss," Mike exclaims as El enters the kitchen.

"Look who is finally awake!" Max has an amused expression while looking at El. Her hair was knotted and sleep was taking its time to leave her face.

"I feel like death," El mentioned hoarsely.

"If you slept with your mouth shut, your throat wouldn't be so dry. Also, remind me to never sleep in a bed with you again. You kicked me multiple times, and I woke up with your foot in my face," Max complained.

El sticks her tongue out in response while taking the water bottle out of Mike's hand.

"Do you need help with anything?" Max asks Lucas.

"I think I got it all," He says as he picks up Sophia and begins to feed her the warm bottle.

"So, you still play basketball?" Mike questions. The two boys sit at the kitchen island and start talking about sports.

Max makes a mental note of well Lucas can multitask. He appears to have it all under control, making breakfast, feeding Sophia, and entertaining guests. It is quite impressive, but something tells her he struggles. Max couldn't imagine if her mom was never home, if her dad was dead, and if she had an infant sister to take of, along with a teenage sister. She is truly baffled by how easygoing and put-together Lucas appears.

"Checking him out?" Max jumps as El interrupts her thoughts.

The redhead glares at her best friend. "Shut up. I was not checking him out."

"Mhm...sure you weren't!" El sings lightly. Max's phone vibrates repeatedly, grasping El's attention. "Who is calling you?"

Max groans when she realizes Josh is calling her. "It's my best friend, Josh," She smiles sarcastically. "God, he won't leave me alone."

"Did he ever end up responding?" Mike questioned, overhearing their conversation.

"Oh, he responded," Lucas scoffs just thinking about it. Max sends Josh to voicemail and hands Mike her phone so he can read the messages.

El hovers behind him to read the messages as well.

"Gross," El comments with a disgusted face.

"I knew he was an dick but that's a whole new level."

"I blame you, Mike. Now he thinks I want to get with him!" Max expresses.

A part of Mike felt bad, but Josh has always been a pain in the ass. "To be fair, he thinks most girls want to sleep with him!"

"I wouldn't of been so nice to him at Benny's if I knew that piece of information," Lucas mutters, but they all hear nonetheless.

A soft smile presents itself on Max's face and her heart warms up a bit. She notices the slight protectiveness in his voice. It's comforting and important to have with two younger sisters.

"Well, I'm sure Lucas will kick his ass if you ever need him to," El points out.

"Gladly," Lucas smiles and pulls out the cinnamon rolls. The sweet fumes fill the kitchen and spread throughout the house.

"What's the plan for today?" El questions as everyone begins to eat.

"I have to entertain the three rug rats later," Max complains.

"Yeah, have fun with that." Max gives Mike a tight grin in response.

Nick and Blake are rambunctious every hour of every day. Max knows little boys have tons of energy but they seem to be on another level. She knows they don't have a great home life either, and it contributes to their bad behavior.

"Matt has kids?" Lucas asks.

"Yup. One girl and two boys. Let me tell you, those boys are a nightmare," El quickly explains.

Max begins to stress just thinking about having to look after them. "Part of it isn't their fault though," The redhead adds with sympathy. "Their mom was cracked up on heroin throughout all of her pregnancies. It's a miracle they are all alive and have no physical issues."

"No physical issues? So, mental?"

"Nick has some serious anger issues and Blake likes to follow his lead so...yeah."

"As much as I want to stick around and help you with them, my mom is picking Mike and I up right," El smiles and pulls Mike up from the chair.

"You suck!"

"Thanks for having us, Lucas!" Mike and El say in unison before leaving out the front door.

Lucas laughs when Max rolls her eyes at her two friends. "My mom gets home in a bit, so I can always help out with the boys. Rough them up a little," Max can't help but laugh. "I'm serious, just call me. Plus, I kinda owe you one," He gestures towards Sophia.

"All right, but you asked for this, so no backing out."

"I won't back out, promise." Lucas holds up his pinky finger. Max smiles and intertwines her pinky with his, sealing the deal.

I apologize for updating like once a year. I'm hoping to actually complete this book!

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