backyard football

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"Max, sweetie, we're about to leave," Susan knocks before entering Max's room.

Max looks up from her book to see Susan's hair in tight curls while wearing a black strapless top and jeans. "You look good, Mom."

"Thanks," She smiles and rustles her hair in the mirror. "The kids are in the living room playing video games."

"Ok." The thought of whether or not to ask her mother the probing question in her head lingers. She bites the bullet. "Can Lucas come over and help me entertain the kids?"

Susan turns on her heel with a light grin to look at her daughter. "Does my Maxine have a crush?"

Max tries to fight the blush that arises on her cheeks. "Mom, I asked you if he could come over to help me babysit. How does that allude to me crushing on him?"

"You've just been hanging out a lot." Max stares at her mom with a raised eyebrow. "What? He seems to be a good guy," Susan expresses.

Max dismisses Susan's comment. "Is that a yes?"

"Yeah. We'll be back late. The kids can go to bed whenever so don't worry about putting them to bed." Max nods in acknowledgment. "Thank you. Love you!" Susan says while closing the bedroom door behind her.

"Have fun!"

Max released a sigh when she heard the front door close. It was going to be a long night.

"Max! Let's play football!" Blake yelled from the living room.

The redhead puts on an excited expression before exiting her bedroom. "Do you guys want to know my brilliant idea?"

"Yeah," Laila says with a smile on her face. The two girls bond more than Max does with the boys.

"I know a certain someone that wants to come over and play football with you guys." The kid's eyebrows furrow as they try to think of who it could be.

"Please don't tell me it's that dorky kid with poofy hair," Nick comments.

"Mike?" Max questions while holding in her laughter.

"Yeah, he's goofy," Blake adds.

"You got that right, but no. You'll think this guy is pretty cool."

"Fine, but if he ends up being lame, I'm kicking him out," The boys remark before marching outside with a football in hand.

Lucas laughs with his mom when he suddenly receives a text.

Time for that favor!

Lucas smiles and sends a thumbs-up before getting up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Sue asks as Lucas puts a sweatshirt on over his t-shirt.

"To entertain the kids across the street."

"Does this have something to do with that girl? The redhead?"

A shocked expression consumes Lucas's face. It wasn't a secret that Max had been over, but he had never talked to his mom about her. "How do you know that?"

Sue laughs at his skepticism. "I think you're forgetting Erica is a blabbermouth."

"She's just a friend and has younger step-brothers. They have a lot of energy and are hard to handle." Sue hums at his response.

"Reminds me of a certain someone when he was little." Lucas laughs with an innocent eye roll in response. "Have fun."

"Bye, Mom!"

Lucas can hear the playful screams as soon as he steps outside. There is a light breeze that causes a few goosebumps, but the sunshine contributes warmth that makes it pleasant outside.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Laila asks as she sees Lucas cross the street.

"A friend." Max smiles at Laila. "Lucas, this is Laila, Blake, and Nick. Guys, this is my friend, Lucas," She introduces them.

"Hey, guys!"

"Are you good at football or do you suck like Mike?" Blake deadpans.

Max snickers behind him. "Everyone is better than Mike at football," She says while patting Lucas on the back. "Have fun."

Max and Laila go to sit on the outdoor furniture while the boys begin to throw the football around.

"He's cute," Laila points out.

"I know what you're trying to do," Max warns while focusing on painting her fingernails.

"I'm not trying to do anything!" The younger girl claims.

"Yes, you are! My best friend does the same exact thing," The redhead laughs.

"Ok, fine!" Laila surrenders. "But you've never had a boyfriend before, let alone have a boy over."

"How is this different from when Mike comes over?"

"Really?" She asks with a dumbfounded expression. "You and I both know why it is different."

Max sighs, letting her eyes fall on Lucas. She watches as he throws the ball across the yard to Nick. Lucas's t-shirt rides up when he decides to take off his sweatshirt, revealing his toned abs. She lets her eyes linger on his frame for a moment too long because Laila noticed.

"You definitely like him," Laila laughs.

Max groans. She hated talking about her feelings.

Luckily, the demands of 2 little boys interrupt her conversation with Laila.

"We're thirsty!"

"Good thing you know where the kitchen is," Max smiles at them. Lucas comes up behind the boys with a light layer of sweat covering his face. "Please bring out an extra for Lucas!" She calls out.

"Thank you," He sighs and sits down next to her.

"I'm going to get a snack. Want anything?" Laila questions the two, but they both decline.

"Have they killed you yet?" Max jokes.

"Just about. That little one is a biter."

"I'm sorry, I should've warned you about that," Max admits.

"It's okay, Erica was the same way." Lucas admires the laugh that escapes her lips. The sound always brings a smile to his face. "So, how long are you on babysitting duty?"

"I'll probably be asleep by the time they come home."

"Then it looks like we got a long night ahead of us," Lucas looked at his phone to see that it was six o'clock.

"Lucas, you do not have to stay the whole time. I'm grateful that you played with them for as long as you did," Max assures him. A part of her pleads for him to stay.

"They're kind of fun, plus I like hanging out with you," He shrugs. "But I'll only stay if you want me to stay."

Her heart warms once again at his words. She doesn't know how he does it because no one has ever had this effect on her.

"I want you to stay," Max nods her head while looking into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Then I'll stay."

This one is a little shorter and probably not my best work. I just got over being sick, so that is why it took forever for me to get another chapter out. Hope you guys enjoy it! I love seeing your comments so feel free to leave them!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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