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Succulent (adjective) (of food) tender, juicy, and tasty

Birdie POV

"I'm so excited." I'm giddy with anticipation in the front seat of Sam's new truck, a Toyota Tundra he named 'Mr. Big' after the character in Zootopia. He tried to stick it out as long as he could with Edith, poor guy, but she gave up all on her own. Though I have to say, I much preferred Edith over Mr. Big. I think I just get nostalgic for all the adventures we took with her.

The three hour journey has been a lengthy one, but with the long winding road coming into view, I know we're close. I've never been to Stowe, Vermont before but I know it's a popular vacation spot. Vermont lends a same outdoorsy feel as home while not being too far away, the perfect getaway spot. Sam reaches a hand across the console and takes mine in his, my heart squeezing along with the pressure of his fingers. I can't help but stare at him. We've made it so far over the last, almost two years. Learning so much from each other, testing each other, pushing each other. God, we're so ingrained in the very make-up of each other at this point I forget we haven't even celebrated our second anniversary yet.

"I think this is it."

We pull into a long driveway and up to a gorgeous natural wood cabin with a two-car garage. There are windows on either side of the chimney who's brick is exposed to the outside, oh there's a fireplace, and a porch that runs the length of the house. Fresh snow adorns the large yard, and I just know that the view from the inside is going to be so beautiful in the morning.

"Oh, Sammy. This is incredible!" I exclaim. I scoot to the edge of my seat, trying to get a better view.

"Wait til you see the inside, there's 3 bedrooms and a sauna," shooting me a wink before putting the truck in park.

"A sauna, huh?" I lean an elbow on the center console and pull him in for a slow kiss by the front of his jacket. "I'm definitely getting some use out of that." I press another quick kiss to his lips before I unbuckle my seatbelt. Sam slides out of the truck and grabs our bags from the back seat, tossing both backpacks, one on top of each other, over his shoulder. I exit the truck and meet him around the front; he pulls me close to his chest, both of us trying to preserve a bit of warmth now that the biting winter air has surrounded us.

"It's ours for the whole week," he whispers into my hair, pressing his lips to my temple. "Just the two of us."

"Let's go, let's go!" I head toward the entryway pulling him by the arm.

Once the door is closed, we take a left through the tiny hallway, the same natural wood as the outside covering the walls. Sam sets down our bags, sticking his head in each door, trying to get a feel for the place.

"These are the spares and the main floor bathroom. The Master bed is upstairs and has a loft area I think." He takes my hand again, his hand warm around my chilly one. I'm forever thankful that he's a very hot-blooded individual. "Yeah, it's through here."

We walk past a set of stairs on the left and the kitchen on the right. I can feel the enthusiasm radiating off of him like a solar flare as he tries to scope out each corner before I get a chance to catch up to him.

"Look at the view, Birdie!" he beams, eyes bright and arms wide open. "There's a breakfast bar for our mornings and the fireplace to keep us toasty, though I'm not sure we'll need help in that department." He points around the living room. I keep a comment about the terrifying bear skin located above said fireplace to myself.

"I definitely don't, I have you to keep me warm." I meet him in the middle of the floor and slide my arms around his middle, locking my hands behind his back. He rubs at my shoulders. "That's right," he says, placing an innocent kiss to my nose. "But we're still going to use it." We pull apart from each other so he can continue the tour despite both of us never having been here before.

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