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Siren (noun) 1. any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing

Charlotte POV

Opening the doors to the bar, I take a quick scan to see who else is working. Seeing that my favorite spot at the bar was open, I swiftly made my way over to claim it as mine once again. Where is he? Nobody is behind the bar at the moment, but I can hear movement out back.

"Helloooo, my dear!" Josh's voice rings down the hall.

"Oh, hi Josh, how are you?"

"Great now that you're here," he starts, which seems charming to most. Still, I know what that means, "I should be off momentarily. Well, as soon as my wonderful brother finally shows up," he says with a complacent smile plastered on his face.

"What are you and Quinn doing for the evening?" I ask.

"I let Quinn decide because I got my gift this morning," he tells me, followed by a wink.

Oh my god, Joshua, what the hell.

I slowly blink at him before I respond, "That's great, Josh. I'm so happy for you." If I didn't have my makeup done right now, I would be rubbing my eyes until I saw stars. I never needed that image in my head.

The door chimes ring, causing us both to look over. Mmm, there he is. Jacob saunters over to me; his eyes always seem to find me when he enters a room. In his usual button-up, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, only the bottom half of the buttons were actually done. I love the way he's so comfortable having his chest exposed, and maybe it's selfish because I daydream about curling up with him every night.

"Hi," his tiny, raspy voice mumbles. His hand gently cups my jaw as he places a sweet kiss on my lips, followed by a few little pecks.

"Hi," I manage to squeeze out in between kisses, "I missed you," I can feel his smile through the kiss. I'll never get over that, before pulling back and running his hand down the back of my head.

"I always miss you, honey," he says, rounding the corner behind the bar. "Did you not order anything yet?"

I simply shake my head 'No.'

"I was waiting for you to make it." Resting my chin into my hand, I watch his eyes light up. His hand gesturing for me to wait a minute, he quickly puts a drink together for me.

"A Boulevardier for you, m'lady," the English accent he loves coming through.

"What's the occasion?" I ask, my eyebrow-raising out of skepticism.

He shrugs as he backs away to take care of other customers who just sat down. Knowing him, he probably feels terrible that he has to work today. I can't really say much, I have been working all week, and this is quite honestly the earliest I've been off.

I will gladly sit here all night, though. I may have a little surprise of my own... Even though Valentine's Day is overrated? Hush, I know it's silly, but a girl can have fun sometimes, okay? Ever since I met Jacob, he's been an easy target. That sounds mean.. I just mean he's still a man. Sometimes, I take advantage of that, and honestly, it benefits us both.

Watching him work is practically a hobby of mine at this point, anyway. I don't think I'll ever get sick of it, his hands, his hands, his hands. The way he has gotten so confident in making drinks and talking to customers, it's been like night and day since I first came in. He can quickly pour drinks without having to measure, and seeing him shaking drinks is... I'm better than no woman, alright? He's so fine, and watching his arm muscles flex. GOD. This may be a more potent drink than usual.

Valentine's Day One Shots // Greta Van FleetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora