A Change in the Wind

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Chapter Five

A Change in the Wind

Lune's prediction about the snow had been quite right. It had not even lasted an hour before it was gone again. Unfortunately, it left behind grimy clouds and a truly evil wind. The wind was like ice itself, shoving its way between every crack and crevice and causing the huge stronghold to howl and shriek.

Jason had brought both his dragons to his chambers. He got the fire roaring and sat by it to look over some of his scrolls. Lune watched him with a little concern. He and Damon weren't likely to get sick from the cold, but Jason could. Humans were more susceptible to weather than dragons were.

'Don't worry, he's a tough bastard,' Damon said suddenly.

Jason looked up with a frown. 'Huh?'

Damon grinned as Lune's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 'He's worried about you getting sick,' the Yoru cooed.

Jason grinned. 'You're so thoughtful,' he teased.

Lune pursed his lips. 'Just making sure your weak little human body doesn't give out. Then I might not have anyone to feed me.' Jason and Damon both roared with laughter. It was good to hear them laugh. They shared dinner together, a mix of steamed greens, grilled fish, and smoked water buffalo. Despite the weather, it was very cozy lying on the huge fur bed later that night. Listening to the howling wind and the crackling fire, Damon's arm around his waist, Lune felt peaceful.

Classes the next morning went about the same as the previous day. Lune and Birch lay down in the sandy arena as Gabe barked out the lesson. Today the students were learning about wing shapes and the differences between them. Lune was asked to spread his four wings. The young humans goggled. Lune knew he was currently the only four-winged dragon in the Sun King's stable. He was also the only feathered dragon. The students all gathered round as Jason gently spread Lune's flight feathers for the little riders to see.

'Your homework will be to describe as many wings shapes as possible as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each,' Gabe grunted. 'Right. Let's try our talking exercise again.'

What followed was another grooming session where the little humans attempted to speak with Lune and Birch. Sadly, they seemed to do a little worse today. Only four established a mental connection with either dragon. Lune wasn't surprised. It was still incredibly windy and cold. The sand and dust of the arena floor was whipped up and many of the students were rubbing at their eyes. It was not a nice day to be trying to concentrate and quieten the mind.

'Alright, let's end it there,' Gabe sighed. Lune trilled softly and nosed at the old rider's shoulder. He didn't like how tired and worn down the man sounded.

'You're looking your age there, Gabe,' Jason said as the students filled out.

'Watch it,' Gabe grumbled.

'A good soak in the hot spring, a roast and sleep and you'll feel right as rain,' Jason said, eyes twinkling.

'Ha. Yeah, right. And those damn reports will just write themselves,' Gabe snapped.

'They will if I do them.'

Gabe paused. 'You what?'

Jason sighed and gave the man a small grin. 'Gabe, you keep this place running. We need you to be well. Give what you can to me, and I'll help get them finished.'

Lune thought the forge master would protest. His lips pursed but after another heavy sigh, he nodded. 'Alright, fine. Knew there was a reason I kept you around,' he muttered. Jason followed him back to the stables, Lune trailing behind like a giant oversized white puppy. Several startled stable hands had to duck under the feathered tail as Lune unexpectedly came around the corner.

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