Green on Green

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Chapter Seven

Green on Green


George woke before the sun even pierced the dense forest. He'd barely slept. All he could think about was finding his own dragon. Their campfire was still lit. It was cold even here protected by the trees and someone had woken every few hours to feed the fire new logs. George got up quickly. He'd checked his gear three times before settling down to sleep the night before, but he checked it one more time to be sure.

He took the silver collar out and slipped it onto his wrist. The metal glowed blue in response to his magic and shrank to fit him. It would resize itself as needed but it had its limits. The collar was linked directly to George and his magic. If he wasn't strong enough, the captured dragon would break free. He was just cinching the last buckle on his thin bedroll when the others stirred.

Sir Logan gave him a knowing smile and got up to check on Arrow, apparently completely unbothered by the young squires. After all, he'd gotten them here. It was now up to them to find their mounts. Henry was pale as he stumbled out of his bedroll.

'I'm going to head north. There looked to be a few caves in the limestone up there where the valley heads met,' George announced.

'I'm headed along the river. Everything needs to drink,' Marisa said as she combed her hair into a messy bob atop her head.

'I'm going to climb back up to the bluff Amphion dropped us off at. I want to get a better lay of the land,' Henry decided. The three glanced at Rosdi. The boy had only just begun to stir. Clearly, he was not quite as excited as his companions.

'All decent plans,' Sir Logan said as he returned. Arrow was awake and watching them with mild interest. The knight continued. 'But remember your training. Caves are excellent hiding spots for all creatures, not just dragons. The river is a good place to search, so long as you always mind your footing and are not tempted in. Water serpents are untameable, and they will always go for the kill.' He looked over at Henry 'And mind your climb back up those bluffs.'

'Yes sir,' the three said in unison. They glanced again at Rosdi who was quietly and slowly packing up his own bedroll.

'Leave him be. He will set off in his own time,' Logan said quietly.

'Right. Well, I guess we should go,' Marisa said nervously. The squires gave each other encouraging smiles before they went their separate ways. George's heart was thumping in his chest. He'd tried to pack light so he wouldn't be weighed down. They each had some basic climbing gear, a roll of bandage cloth, their bedroll, knives, water pouch and a small satchel of dried jerky, nuts and fruit. It would keep them going but only for a short time.

He tried to take measured strides but soon found himself lightly jogging through the thick forest. The air was clean and cold, pricking his throat and lungs. Little puffs of vapour escaped his every exhale. The light chatter of birds and rustle of large leaves followed him as he jogged along. It seemed so important to move quickly. It wasn't possible to go slowly. He wanted to get far away from their little camp.

The sun slowly climbed into the sky. George stopped by a little creek to drink and splash the cool water on his flushed face. There were a few ripe seed pods hanging low over the fast-running water. They were bitter unless boiled. He collected them in his foraging pouch for later. Sir Logan had said they would need to fend for themselves and bring something back to the camp.

George glanced up at the sky as a shadow passed over. A large dragon, possibly a marsh beast was flying lazily across the sky. It was in no hurry, and it was too big to land. The squire took this as a good sign. The land here was mostly undisturbed. Surely, he would have to find something soon.

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