chapter 33

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Before this starts, imagine all the homophobes in America freaking out b/c same sex marriage.

Jordan's P.O.V.

"Let them go. They're useless for this." We stand up and walk twords the door. "What about the other two?" I ask looking back. "Don't worry. They'll be fine. Oh and if you tell anyone else about this, we will crush you." We nod and run kut the door. "Crap. What about Alexis and Sky? They need our help." "It's dark and a cold (it's dark and a cold December! No? Well if you don't know the song I suggest you listen to Lego House by Ed Sheeran) night. We should just go home and think about it. Before we... confront anyone." I nod and we start walking.

Sky's P.O.V.

Alexis screams once more. Freaking stop this. Can they not get here any faster? Another scream. I look twords her. They moved from her left arm to her right. "You better hurry up. We're running out of places to cut." "You wouldn't." "Oh but we would." "You can't. She's valuable. Without her I won't do anything." "We can go on to more painful weaponry." "Fine I'm on it." She screams once again. "Good. We'll be back." I hear sirens and walk up to Alexis. "Damn kids." I hear someone say. "Make sure these two are ok."

Jordan's P.O.V.

We walk into the house. "Will?" "Yes Jordan?" "Can you make some coffee please?" "I can make tea. (I'm not stereotypic. I just really whant tea rn for some weird reason). If that's ok." "Ok. Fine." I walk over to the stairs and someone knocks. I sigh and open it. "Hello?" "Oh thank god you're ok. Where's Sky he hasn't come home." "Hey! Jordan someone's on the phone!" "Come on in I'll be back." She walks in and closes the door. I walk into the kitchen where Will is. "Who's here?" "Sky's mum." I take the phone from him. "Hello?" "Are you Jordan?" "Last time I checked." "Your sister is fine, just multiple cuts on her arms. She lost a lot of blood to. The boy she was with is also fine nothing wrong with him. We just need a parent or someone to pick him up from the hospital and sign him out. Thank you for your time, have a wonderful night." "Thank you, you to. Oh tell him we'll be there first thing in the morning." "Ok sir, see you soon." I hang up the phone. "We getting Sky tomorrow morning?" "Yep." "Ok." I walk to the living room. "So. Sky where is he?" "He's fine. He's at a friends house. We'll send him home tomorrow." "Ok. If he or Alexis is hurt-" "Alexis is my responsibility." She walks out the house. "She's not happy. What happened?" "I what to sleep." He hands me a cup. "Drink yo tea first." "Fine... Mum."

Ok this is crappie. Sorry. Anyway, I got muh glasses yesterday! Now realized that my dog has brown eyes and everyone else in my house has blue eyes. It's like me and hair color. Whatever! Who likes pokèmon? Cuz I love it. They're all so cute!


Wuv ya all! Bye♡♥

My New Love (a Kiani ff) DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora