chapter 41

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Jordan's P.O.V.

"Will get up." "No." "Someone's not getting pancakes." "I whant pancakes." "Then get up and I'll make us some pancakes." He sighs. "Fine." I smile and walk out of the room. "I heard pancakes!" I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. "Sky!" "No yelling!" "You just yelled though." Will walks in. "Kids. They're such a handful." "Not as much as sam is. Did you feed him by the way?" "Yep." I smile. "Thank you." I say and kiss him on the cheek. "Mhm." He starts humming a song that maybe I don't know. "Oh Sky when you come back make sure to bring crookshakes." "Don't worry I will." He walks out of the house. "God your like a married couple." "So. You still think it's cute." "It's adorable." I smile and get back to cooking. "It's nice to see my boyfriend and sister are getting along." "Well he's a good friend." "Alexis is a good painter." I roll my eyes and face them. "Pancakes anyone?"

Sky's P.O.V.

I get to my house. "Hey mom. Hey dad. Where's crookshakes?" "Don't worry she's fine. We feed her earlier." "Awesome thanks." I walk up to my room greeted by my cat. She follows me to my room and jumps on my bed. I put her in the kennel. "Ok mom I'm going back to Alexis' with crookshakes. I'll see you later." "Ok sweetie." "See ya later bud." "Bye dad." I walk out of the house.

Will's P.O.V.

Sky walks into the house with his cat. "Wait is it still a kitten or?" "Still a kitten. A very adorable little kitten." Sky looks at her. "I thought I was your adorable little kitten." "No you're my adorable little puppy." I look at Jordan then back at them. "What did we just see?" "I don't know but I don't like it." "Let's go your room." "Yeah that seems like a good idea." We walk upstairs avoiding Alexis and Sky. We hear laughing. "I think they really whanted to get rid of us." "I believe so Jordan, I believe so." We get in his room and sit on hus bed. "Cuddles." I pout looking at him. He shrugs and pulls me down with him. We laugh. "Why are you so cuddly?" "Are you saying you don't like it?" "Nope I'm saying I love it."

Alexis' P.O.V.

Sky picks me up and carries me to my room. "Why do you like my room so much?" "Cause I can do this." He says and quickly kisses me. "Without anyone seeing it. Oh and I almost forgot, I have something for you." "What's that?" "Close your eyes and stay here." I shrug and close my eyes. I hear footsteps leaving the room and fading away. I stand there confused. He comes back and sets something down. "What was that?" "You have good hearing there." "Yeah well living in a house of teenagers it's easy to come to your senses. Especially if that one teen is always trying to scare me." "Guilty as charged. Now open your eyes." I open my eyes and look at him. "How much money did this cost?" "That doesn't matter. What matters is that I can still easily make you the happiest girl I know." "What's the cach?" "I got a love letter from someone." "Who is this girl?" "I don't know. She leaves them on my desk." "When do they appear?" "When I'm gone."

Hey! Hi! Hello! This chapter has all P.O.V.'s.

Wuv ya all! Bye♡♥

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