What Are my Views on LGBTQ+?

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Question: "What are your views on the LGBTQ+ community?"

Response: Great question! Many Christians have differing opinions on this subject due to shifting societal standards as of late. Personally, I do not support the LGBTQ+ community.

While I cherish and love every person, I do not affirm the LGBTQ+ values, nor do I agree with the movement. I would never wish violence or unhappiness upon anyone who is queer. I have many friends who are part of the community, and I don't mind that they have different values. I live in the world, not Heaven, so I can't insist that others subscribe to my exact same system of beliefs. I tolerate private LGBTQ+ practices carried out between individuals of appropriate age. I don't think sexuality has a place in curriculum unless it is a psychology, gender studies, sociology, etc. course. We should be taught from a young age to love everyone, of course.

From a Biblical perspective, homosexuality is a sin. Leviticus 20:13 states that "if a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable." This is mirrored earlier in Leviticus 18:22. Because Leviticus holds both civil and moral law, I will quote Romans 1:26-27 as well, which says that "God gave [humans] over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. (27) In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

God created us man and woman, with physiology designed to allow for sexual reproduction. In my opinion, sex has one function: procreation. Sex has the primary purpose of creating viable offspring. I propose two theories explaining why sex feels nice:

1. In accordance with evolutionary theory, men and women developed sexual satisfaction to encourage reproduction. Because humans normally only gestate one child at a time, sex would have to be repeated to produce an array of offspring and appropriately continue the parent generation's genetics.

2. Sexual satisfaction was granted to humans by God as a gift, to bring spouses together and strengthen their relationship.

I believe these two concepts are married: we were created with sexual satisfaction built into our physiology, at the creation of Adam and Eve. This satisfaction not only serves as proof of consummation, but encourages reproduction as well as closeness between a man and woman. The sex inspires a strong emotional attachment, which would lead both individuals to be more likely to engage in sex again, and to remain together to care for offspring.

While sexual satisfaction can come from synthetic or homosexual sexual activity, it denies the primary function of sex, which is to reproduce.

Masturbation and homosexual sex are, Biblically, perversions of God's design. They do not align with our physiology, and considering that we are crafted in His image, they do not align with our Spirit either.

Now, to clarify, I don't think homosexuality is a "special" sin that requires more punishment than any other. I believe all sins are equally bad. I sin often.

The reason people tend to more vigorously dislike the LGBTQ+ lifestyle is because it is a lifestyle which celebrates sinfulness. Individuals who choose to do sex work repeatedly, who have choose to do drugs repeatedly, who choose to fornicate repeatedly, etc. are no better than those who engage in homosexual activities repeatedly.

It isn't a sin to be tempted, only to give in to that temptation; thus, queerness is an especially difficult cross to bear. I empathize with those who do bear that cross and refrain from giving in to their temptations.

To be perfectly clear, I also have a lifestyle of sinfulness. I choose to commit a certain sin, knowing it is bad, and do not actively repent. I am not at all superior to anyone else struggling with sin. That is how homosexuality and transgenderism are not "special" among other sins. I think people are judged harshly for this, and should be shown more compassion by Christians.

If I can tolerate drug use, fornication, swearing, hatefulness, thievery, etc. etc. while showing that I do not approve of it personally, there is no reason why I cannot tolerate queerness.

I also believe that homosexual marriage should be legal as I comply by the concept of separation of church and state. Homosexuality does not inherently harm another, so there is no reason why it should not be called legal by worldly civil law.

So, in summation, I do not approve of the lifestyle, nor do I support the LGBTQ+ movement, but I always support the individual people who are queer. No person is good by the eyes of God, not myself or my mother or siblings or anyone under the face of the sun, except Christ Himself.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone! I absolutely cherish each one of my friends, irl and online, who are active members of the LGBTQ+ community. You are free to have a relationship with whomever you please. Our values do not have to align; these are my beliefs, based on Biblical Scripture. The option to follow Christ is always there, though, if you're interested! 😄

*In this chapter, "LGBTQ+" excludes intersex people. I do not find intersexuality to be inherently queer, as intersex people do have a definite sex, identifiable through karyotype; many people who are intersex do not even realize they are until late in life. I do not group intersexuality with LGBTQ+ groups.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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