Chapter 32 Come Back

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“No please baby. Don’t leave me. Please come back! ” I say getting off her chest and slamming my fists down onto her chest

“You can’t go please. Come back. Please baby just come back” I sob while I continue to hit her chest.

a couple of seconds later Jay began coughing up water and taking deep breaths. Oh thank god she was still here. She was alive! She hadn’t left me!

“Jay baby can you hear me?!” I shout over the howling wind. Jay was shivering and struggling to breathe. I quickly picked her up and dragged her as fast as I could back inside. I quickly grabbed some towels and removed all her wet clothes then wrapped her up in the towels and laid her onto the couch. It was then I noticed the pillow and blankets folded up neatly on the floor. So she had been sleeping here instead of the bedrooms. I grabbed the blankets and wrapped her up in them. Thank god the heat pump had heated the room up.

All the colour had drained from her body and she looked sickly pale. She kept shivering and was struggling to breathe. I had no idea what to do! I slipped in beside her and held her tight next to me. Kissing all over her face

“Baby can you hear me? Please wake up”. Jay briefly opened her eyes and looked directly into mine

“Wh wh who are you?” She asks me before closing her eyes again. She was shivering like crazy.

“It’s me baby. Anj, your wife. You know me baby” I say holding her tight but she wouldn’t open her eyes again. She kept shivering and she wouldn’t stop.  I was so freaked out. What the hell do I do?! I jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen island where I had left my phone and called Anna

“Come on Anna pick up pick up pick up” I say heading back over to Jay and holding her to me

“Hello? Anj?”

thank god!

“Anna I need your help! It’s Jay!” I say freaking out

“What’s wrong? What happened to Jay?” She asks worried

“She she she almost drowned” I say crying “I don’t know what to do Anna. I’m so scared. I can’t lose her” I say sobbing

“Hey Anj listen to me, I need you to remain calm. Jay needs you to remain calm. Take a breath and tell me exactly what’s wrong with her” she says

I take a deep breath then take a moment to observe Jay

“She’s cold Anna, so cold. I think she has hypothermia. She’s shivering like crazy and she’s struggling to breathe. She’s so pale and she looks a lot skinnier.” I tell Anna

“Tell me what you did once you took her out of the water and everything after that”

“I did mouth to mouth  for quite a while till she coughed up all the water. Then I dragged her back inside as fast as I could. I took off all of her wet clothes and wrapped her up in dry towels. She’s wrapped in blankets and I have the heat pump on at the highest temperature. I’m holding her too right now. She opened her eyes for a few seconds. She looked at me and asked me  who I was then closed her eyes again. Is she going to wake up again? What if she doesn’t know who I am when she wakes up? Oh god what have I done!?” I sob

“Hey Anj, listen to me you did great. You did everything right okay? I just need you to keep an eye out on her breathing. If it becomes too shallow you need to start CPR okay. Try to get some warm tea or something into her. And if her body temperature doesn’t start getting up after 30 minutes get a warm bath running. But make sure the water isn’t too hot okay. Alexis says you’re at the Bach. As soon as it’s safe to get back on to the road I’ll be there. Just hold on. She’ll be okay. Skin on skin contact helps too so you can get in with her. If you need to call emergency services do it. But I’m not sure how fast the helicopter will be able to get to you in this storm. I’m hoping it won’t come to that. You both stay safe okay. Take care of her and call me if you need anything else” she says

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