Horrid Henry x Rude Ralph (pt.1)

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As Henry laid in his bed texting his best friend Ralph he then sat up as his door creaked open and he saw his little brother Peter standing there. "What do you want worm?" Henry said still a bit pissed as he had already gotten in trouble earlier that day because Peter made a mess and blamed it on him "mum said supper is reashouted  dy" Peter said with a smirk as he skipped downstairs as Henry was a bit confused "why was he smirking?" Henry thought to himself before placing down his phone and getting up to go downstairs. As Henry got downstairs and sat down his mum placed his plate of pasta down on the table as Henry thanked his mum and took a bite he then immediately spit it out disgusted "Ew mum why so salty!?" Henry shouted as he went to take a sip of water to wash down the salt but then he also spit his water out and onto his dad by accident before yelling again "ew for fucks sake what the hell!" Henry said confused on why his food was so salty as his father then stood up and yelled at him " Henry we don't swear at the dinner table go to your room right now your grounded for another two weeks!".  As his father yelled at him Henry couldn't take it anymore as he then broke down crying"that's not fair it's not my fault why am I getting in trouble for something that out of my control I bet that worm messed with my food!" Henry said through his tears as he ran back upstairs to his room and began crying into his pillows "it's not fair why do I always get blamed for things that aren't my fault?" Henry thought to himself as he took some deep breaths to try and calm himself down. After 20 minutes Henry had finally calmed himself down enough he then picked up his phone and called Ralph as he need someone to talk to before he had another mental breakdown.

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