Horrid Henry x Rude Ralph (pt.2)

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After two missed calls Ralph finally answered the phone "hey Henry sorry I was helping my mum with something what's up? You sound like your crying" Ralph said as he could hear Henry sniffing on the other end of the phone "no I need you to come over right now please" Henry said sniffing back his tears and his voice soft "sure I'll be there in ten I'll meet you in the treehouse" Ralph said as he hung up. After Ralph hung up Henry opened his window and climbed out to go to the treehouse where to wait for Ralph who was already there waiting for him with tissues water and some candies" hey Henry come here" Ralph said as Henry went over and hugged Ralph putting his face in his chest and began sobbing again as Ralph rubbed his back to calm him by shushing him gently "shhh...shhhh- it's okay hen let it all out" Ralph said as Henry cried and he waited for him to calm down enough to speak. After a few minutes Henry took a deep breath and sat up off his chest and looked up at Ralph with his dark brown eyes and smiled softly "thanks you really mean a lot to me" Henry said as Ralph gave him another hug and patted his head gently "it's no problem Henry I understand you just needed someone to talk to don't worry" Ralph said  giving him a tissue to wipe his tears or blow his nose that was stuffy from crying "thanks I don't know what'd I do without you right now" Henry said  before throwing the used tissue inti the garbage bin and getting off Ralph to give him some space s he looked at Ralph who was now smiling "you wanna tell me what happened?" Ralph asked as Henry nodded hen began speaking " well I got in trouble this morning for missing school because the worm thought it would be funny to unplug my alarm clock then I had to spend the whole day doing chores because neither of my parents could take me to school and they thought I missed the bus on purpose. Then the worm put too much salt into my food at dinner this evening then I got in trouble because my father thought I did it just to waste food and to swear at dinner" Henry sosd his face turning into a frown at the thought as Ralph rubbed his back in a soothingly manner " hey it's okay if they can't see that Peter is the problem their stupid because your one of the best people I've met even if you don't make the best decision sometimes but it's not your fault your still learning" Ralph said giving him a candy from the pocket of his hoodie "here you should probably eat something i know its not much but you should at least try and eat something" Ralph said his voice soft as he spoke as Henry accepted the candy with a smile on his face " thanks mate nice to know there's someone looking out for me" Henry said as Ralph nodded giving another candy to Henry before speaking "youwant to go to the corner store to grab something to eat your probably not to full from the sweets" Ralph said as he got up with Henry who agreed as he began to climb out the treehouse and they both began their walk to the store that was only about 2 minutes away from Henry's house.

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