The Champion

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In the grand halls of the opulent hotel, the fighters slumbered in luxurious rooms adorned with lavish furnishings and soft, silken sheets. The air was heavy with the scent of decadence and comfort, a stark contrast to the trials that awaited them in the arena.

Amidst the tranquility of the sleeping fighters, The Showrunner moved with silent purpose along the grand hallway, his footsteps echoing softly against the polished marble floors. His keen eyes swept over each door, ensuring that his warriors were well-rested and prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

But as he reached the end of the hallway, his gaze came to rest upon a large, ominous door, its dark wood imposing and foreboding against the backdrop of opulence. With a sense of trepidation, The Showrunner approached the door, his hand hovering over the cold metal handle.

With a steady breath, he pushed open the door, revealing a desolate landscape beyond. Here, amidst the barren expanse, a colossal armored warrior moved with otherworldly grace, his immense form dwarfing the landscape around him. With each thunderous blow, he shattered rocks and trees, hurling giant boulders with effortless strength.

A sinister clap echoed through the air, drawing The Showrunner's attention to a figure standing amidst the chaos. It was Vermin, the formidable champion of the arena, his imposing presence a testament to his unrivaled power.

"Vermin, Vermin, Vermin..." The Showrunner's voice cut through the silence, his words laced with a mixture of admiration and amusement. "Isn't it a bit late for you to be training at this time of night?"

But Vermin remained silent, his focus unwavering as he continued his relentless assault upon the landscape.

Undeterred, The Showrunner stepped forward, a small locket clutched tightly in his hand. With a gentle sigh, he opened the locket, revealing a faded photograph nestled within. It was a picture of Vermin's daughter, her smile a poignant reminder of the sacrifices he had made in pursuit of victory.

"Don't worry, Vermin," The Showrunner said softly, his voice tinged with a hint of sympathy. "Once you win this fight... I will free your daughter from my clutches."

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