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THERE'S a girl in Jake's class that won't stop staring at him and it's starting to really freak him out.

Yu Jimin isn't the type of person to acknowledge him even on a good day so he has no clue why she's sending him the occasional icy side eye from across the room. It sends an uncomfortable shiver down his spine and he chooses to focus on taking his lecture notes.

The professor drones on and on and Jake really tries to focus on the notes displayed on the board. He keeps his eyes on the front and off of Yu Jimin even though he can feel her staring holes through the side of his head.

Finally, after a long hour of listening to his professor talk and Yu Jimin making him feel like he's about to piss his pants, the class is finally over and the students are all dismissed.

He moves slowly, giving the other students (ie: Jimin) to gather their own things and leave. He's slowly shoving his papers into his bag when he hears it; the clicking of heeled shoes on the floor. He freezes up, muscles tightening.

"Hey," Jimin calls, sounding partially angry and partially annoyed. Jake takes a deep breath and turns to face her, hoping his smile doesn't looked as forced as it feels.

"Hey, Jimin noona. Do you need something?"

Jimin looks taken aback for a split second before her frown is back and she looks even more agitated than before. "You're dating Heeseung, right?"

The question catches him off guard and his eyes widen, words catching in his throat. "Excuse me? We're— I'm not. I'm not dating Heeseung."

Jimin makes a pleased noise in the back of her throat, a smug smile spreading across her face as if she's just heard the best news ever. "Good. You don't deserve someone as good as him anyway."

Before Jake can open his mouth to respond, Jimin is flipping her hair over her shoulder and exiting the lecture hall.

Jake stares after her in confusion. What the hell does that even mean?

I don't deserve someone as good as Heeseung?


"You don't deserve someone as good as him?" Jay scoffs, stabbing his fork into his styrofoam tray. "What the fuck does that even mean?"

Jake shrugs, just as confused as Jay is. "No idea."

Jay sighs, reaching across the table to grab Jake's hand and intertwine their fingers. "Hey, don't worry about it too hard, okay?"

Jake nods and smiles, but he's sure it doesn't reach his eyes because Jay's frown deepens.


"I'm fine," he mumbles, standing from the seat and grabbing his tray. "I'm gonna go home, skip the rest of my classes. Tell Hoon I said hi."

He turns on his heel and dumps the tray in the trash, waving at Jay from behind his back. He keeps his head down as he leaves, too afraid to let anyone see the tears pooling in his eyes.

 He keeps his head down as he leaves, too afraid to let anyone see the tears pooling in his eyes

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I know it's a little short but it's the best I could come up with rn.

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