Chapter 1.

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Ezekiel Paroma had always protected his family. It was who he was. There was nothing he would not do and no price he would not pay. But Ezekiel Paroma had failed. No, he had not just failed he had doomed them all. It had been a mistake, such a small mistake with such devastating consequences.

"We must leave." Those were the first words out of his mouth when he had entered their family home one evening. "Now."

Cora Paroma who had been standing in the kitchen washing the dishes, had paused in her work to glance back over at her husband. She immediately froze at the stiffness in his posture.

"What is it, Ezekiel?" She asked worriedly, drying her hands on her dress and walking swiftly over to her very distressed husband.

"They know."

Little else had to be said after that, Cora threw her hands over her mouth to hold in a gasp, before swiftly moving towards the small bedroom door in the corner. She heard Ezekiel move behind her, opening the door of a cabinet they always kept closed.

She entered the room without knocking, her steps fast and urgent.

"Girls." Her voice was soft and careful, as she called out to them.

Lyra was the first to wake. She had always been a light sleeper - if she ever slept at all. Prim who slept soundly beside her was however dead to the world.

"Mother?" Lyra's voice was quiet and filled with questions as she watched Cora move towards the chest by the bed's feet. Cora opened it quickly taking out travel clothes and cloaks for her daughters.

Lyra's mouth went dry at the sight. They had been prepared that this day might come one day, instructed on what they were meant to do if the time ever came. But as Lyra sat there in the bed she shared with her sister, watching her mother move around the small room with urgent steps Lyra could not remember a single instruction.

"Wake your sister Lyra." Cora instructed her eldest daughter as she placed the clothes on the chest and rushed out of the room.

That was right, Prim. Lyra's sister. Prim was her responsibility, Prim was her task. Lyra stepped out of the bed and started to shake her sister awake.

"Prim, Prim!"

All she received in return was an incoherent mumble.

"Prim, you need to wake up, dear." She repeated.

Prim's large brown doe eyes opened slowly, her face scrunched up in distaste.

"Morning?" The small girl mumbled.

Lyra shook her head swiftly. "No, Prim." She answered.

Prim's face went even more sour.

Lyra watched as her sister began to once again let slumber take her, no, she could not allow Prim to fall back asleep.

"Don't you wish to go on an adventure, Prim?" Her words were spoken with such false excitement Lyra almost wished to pat herself on the back for her acting skills.

Prim's eyes shot open.

One way to get the girl to wake up.

Lyra grinned at her sister.

"Come on, get dressed."

Lyra's mother's soft singing voice could be heard from inside the wagon. The words of the lullaby were muffled by the fabric and drowned out by the gravel moving beneath the wheels and horses. It still managed to calm Lyra's fearful mind a bit. Her father sat beside her holding onto the horse reins and directing them over the thinning roads and away from the place they had so long called home.

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