Potential Victims(Ch 11+12 +13)

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your groups first destination was Pomefiore. Cater started explaining who we were for there "Let's start here, at Pomefiore. There's a junior named Rook Hunt who's caught my eye. He has a blond bob cut and a fedora—you can't miss him." Riddle nodded "Rook is an exceptional player. He performed extremely well in last year's tournament. But he is a bit of an...odd duck, one might say." 'all the people here have been odd ducks so i can't say i am surprised ' Deuce notice Rook "Oh, is that him sitting over there?" Ace almost covers his eyes "Whoa. That dude's, like, a glitter bomb in human form. He's basically sparkling." we saw Rook teaching a Pomefiore student etiquettes "Non, Epel, non. When you lift your teacup, do not insert your finger through the handle. It is most inélégant." the Guy he was teaching changed how he held the teacup "Oh... Right. I'm sorry." then the housewarden came in the room and sighed "I just cannot decide how I want to do my makeup on tournament day! I'm thinking maybe that new foundation from Felicity Cosmetics?" Rook started praising his housewarden "Oh ho ho! Mon belle Vil, the Roi du Poison... Surely your beauté is not so faint that you need makeup to shine?" 'did he just call Vil the king of poison..now i get why Riddle said he was weird ' Vil waved Rooks comment off "Of course I don't. But I don't dare miss an opportunity to accentuate it further!" Rook smiled "I admire that passion. Magnifique! Très magnifique!" Grim backed off a bit "Uhhhhh... And you're sayin' this guy is some kinda incredible athlete? Somehow, I doubt he's gonna be the target." Cater nodded "Yeaaah, maybe we should peace out and move on." your Group walked away but you noticed that Rook knew you all were there and just smiled at you, you just nodded your head at him and walked away.

we were in the dorm of Octavinelle and Cater started explaining who we were looking for this time. You did listen to Cater sure but you could get over how beautiful this dorm was..it felt like Atlantis, one of your favorite places in your own world  "Next on Cay-Cay's big list of potential targets are Jade Leech and his twin brother Floyd. They're both sophomores at Octavinelle House. Word is, they work so well together on the field that other teams don't know how to counter them." we spotted the twins and Grim's eyes widened "Whoa! They have, like, the exact same face!" Ace's face paled a bit "Is it just me, or do they make all the other students look tiny in comparison? They're giants!" Grim nodded "I could see that being a big advantage for 'em." Deuce looked skeptical "So what do we think? Could they be in danger?" Riddle shook his head "I don't know about that. If I were the culprit, I'd save them for last. Just look at those two. I wouldn't want to get anywhere near them—especially Floyd." you were about to ask him why a voice stopped "Oh ho ho! What is UP, Lil' Goldfish?" Riddles eyes widened "Bwah! He spotted us!" Riddle stood in front of you while Floyd just smiled "What brings you to our humble abode, huh? Playing hide-and-seek? Sounds like fun" Riddle shook his head "F-Floyd... I've asked you several times to stop calling me by strange nicknames." Floyd slightly frowned "But you're so small and red! How are you NOT a goldfish?"

Grim looked at you "This guy seems like he's a few cans short of a tuna casserole." the Floyd turned his attention to Grim "A talking cat? Now THAT'S something you don't see every day! Can I squeeze you 'til you pop?" Grim shook his head and jumped in your arms to hide behind your neck "Uh, no?! Stay away from me, weirdo!" then Jade came and stood next his brother "My, it would appear a contingent from Heartslabyul House has paid us a little visit. Here to assess the competition in advance of the Spelldrive tournament, perhaps?" Cater shook his head "Nah. We...can't really go into it, though." Jade still smiling shook his head "We take a dim view of spying at Octavinelle. I would ask you to justify your actions, suspicious as they are. And please, spare no detail." Ace backed up a bit "This guy sure talks fancy, but man, his eyes are stone cold." Cater looked at his non excitant watch "Man, would you look at the time? Gotta run, guys! It's been real! Byeee!" 

Deuce looked behind "Shoot! They're chasing us!" Floyd waved "Hey, couldja stop, friends? Just for a second? We just wanna chat!" Riddle yelled back "Decidedly, no! Full retreat!" they got closer and closer so you came up with a plan "keep on running i will join you guys later! " Cater yelled at you "are you crazy  " but Ace grabbed Cater "N/n knows what she is doing let just keep on running..besides she can run laps around us she has been holding back her pace to keep us company" you grabbed Grim from your shoulder "Deuce catch" Before Grim could protest you threw him in deuces arms. you turned to the twins "sorry to cut our meeting short boys, we will play another time {Darkfog}(Darkfog is a spell used to confuse the enemy by emitting a stream of dark fog. This can be done to obscure an opponent's vision for an unseen attack or an emergency escape.)" the two Octavinelle boys got engulfed in a black fog and they stopped. Once the spell stopped working you were long gone like you went with the fog itself. Floyd pouted "Awww... They're gone." Jade just slightly laughed "Heh heh. I do so enjoy a brisk midday jog. Alas, we'll have to pick this up another time. Come. We need to prepare the lounge for tonight." Floyd still pouted "Bummer. But all right"

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