chapter 1

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(this is not accurate to real life.)


As the flashing lights of cameras and the buzz of excitement enveloped the red carpet, all eyes turned to the radiant figure dressed in resplendent gold. With each step, Evelyn Lawson exuded an aura of effortless glamour and poise, captivating the attention of everyone around her.

"Here she comes!" The air crackled with anticipation as Evelyn made her grand entrance, commanding the spotlight like a queen of the silver screen. The interviewer, unable to contain his admiration, eagerly stepped forward to greet her, his arm extending in a gesture of camaraderie.

"And who do we have here?" His voice echoed with reverence as he ushered Evelyn into the spotlight, the camera capturing her every radiant smile and graceful movement.

"How are you?" His voice brimmed with enthusiasm as he turned towards the camera, his arm still draped around her. "It's Evelyn Lawson, everyone!"

"I'm great, thank you. It's so good to be here tonight." Evelyn's voice, soft yet filled with undeniable confidence, resonated with warmth as she addressed the millions of viewers watching from afar.

"Congratulations on everything, by the way. You're up for, what, three nominations tonight?" The interviewer's words were laced with admiration and awe, a testament to Evelyn's undeniable talent and meteoric rise to fame.

"Yeah. It feels so unreal." Evelyn's laughter danced through the air like music, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of humility and excitement. "I mean, I'm here with people like Margot Robbie and Jennifer Lawrence. Taylor Swift!" Her smile widened, a reflection of the genuine thrill coursing through her veins.

"Well, you look stunning. And we wish you the best of luck." The interviewer's words were a heartfelt testament to Evelyn's undeniable beauty and grace, a sentiment echoed by millions of fans around the world.

"Thank you so much." Evelyn's voice was a melodic whisper, a testament to her gratitude and humility in the face of overwhelming success. With a final smile and a graceful wave, she disappeared into the throng of adoring fans and flashing cameras, leaving behind a trail of starlight in her wake.

As Evelyn settled into her seat in the midst of the grandeur of the auditorium, her heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation. The air was electrified with the buzz of whispered conversations and the rustle of designer gowns as she exchanged warm greetings with the familiar faces seated beside her.

"Evelyn, right?" A charming voice broke through the din, drawing Evelyn's attention to the blonde man who had taken the seat next to hers. His warm smile was infectious as he extended his hand in greeting. "I'm Ryan."

Evelyn's eyes widened with surprise and admiration as she shook Ryan Gosling's hand, her lips parting in an involuntary gasp. "Yes, Evelyn. My friends just call me Evie, though," she replied with a hint of bashfulness. "And you're Ryan Gosling."

A twinkle of amusement danced in Ryan's eyes as he chuckled softly. "I really loved you in Oppenheimer," he said, his voice laced with genuine admiration. "Excited for this years Golden Globes?"

Evelyn nodded eagerly, her excitement palpable as she met Ryan's gaze. "Of course I am."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by laughter and shared anecdotes, as they were joined by the effervescent presence of actor Emma Stone. The trio engaged in animated discussion, blossoming amidst the glitz and glamour of the prestigious event.

Minutes later, the hall fell into a hushed silence as the host, Jo Koy, took to the stage, his charismatic presence commanding the attention of the audience. As Jo delivered his opening remarks with wit and charm, another familiar figure glided gracefully towards Evelyn's table, her emerald dress shimmering like a beacon of elegance.

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