chapter 2

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It was 9 am the next day, and Evelyn found herself rudely awakened by a relentless pounding at her door. Groaning, she reluctantly peeled herself from the warmth of her slumber and stumbled towards the front door, her mind still foggy with sleep.

Opening the door, she was met with the unexpected sight of one of her best friends, Alex, standing on her doorstep with an eager grin plastered across his face.

"Alex?" Evelyn blinked in confusion, her sleep-addled brain struggling to process the early morning intrusion.

"Good morning."Alex greeted her with a twinkle in his eye as he sauntered into her house, bearing a gift basket filled with goodies.

Evelyn stifled a yawn as she followed him to the kitchen, her curiosity piqued by his unexpected visit. "What's all this?"

"You won an award last night!" Alex exclaimed, enveloping her in a tight hug. "Come on, I've been your best friend since the second grade. Of course, I'm going to come over here to celebrate."

Evelyn pulled away from the embrace and made her way to the fridge, her mind still foggy with sleep. "I get that, thanks, but why so early?"

Alex busied himself with helping her put away some dishes, his energy seemingly boundless despite the early hour. "Because Rocky has a photoshoot at 1, which means Oliver and I have to be there by 11:30. And it's going to take all day," he explained with a sigh.

"You're taking your dog to a photoshoot? And you and your husband have to take him?" Evelyn raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yes, you wouldn't understand the celebrity lifestyle that Rocky has," Alex replied with a hint of amusement.

"Yup, Clearly not," Evelyn muttered under her breath, shaking her head in bemusement.

"I was going to see you now or never." He said, "and I chose now. Be grateful," he says sarcastically.

"Anyways, tell me some hot actor gossip from last night. I want to hear it all!" Alex urged, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Evelyn paused, her mind racing as she debated whether to share her newfound revelation with her friend. "Well, not much," she began tentatively.

"Not much?!" Alex exclaimed, his interest piqued. "The host is going viral for being a massive d-bag!"

"Oh?" Evelyn's curiosity was piqued by the mention of the viral scandal.

"And Taylor Swift is taking heat for having a sip of her drink," Alex continued, his voice tinged with amusement.

"What?" The name caught Evelyn's attention, her interest suddenly piqued.

"Yeah, everyone's saying she overreacted to not winning. I don't see it, I mean..." Alex trailed off, his voice trailing off as he attempted to justify the controversy.

"Maybe I do have something to share," Evelyn interjected, her voice tinged with excitement.

"Dish, girl!" Alex urged, his eyes widening with anticipation.

"I mean, speaking of her, I might have spent the entire night hanging out with Taylor Swift. And she came up to me afterwards and asked for my number," Evelyn revealed, her words tumbling out in a rush.

"What!" Alex gasped, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Yeah," Evelyn confirmed with a nod, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"I always had a theory that Taylor Swift was bi. And I mean, you are too. So that works out perfectly," Alex mused, his mind already racing with possibilities.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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