Chapter 2

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(Madi POV)

She had hit her head on the ground after trying to catch Leo. She had helplessly watched Jason battle . Now Jason, Piper, and Coach Hedge were gone. She sat up and hugged Leo, who was groaning. She cried, she lost her best girlfriend and almost lost Leo. Then she gasped as Jason and Piper came back – flying no less.

"Ow," Leo mumbled and she held him tighter. He was soaking wet and his hair glittered from dead monster dust.

"You scared me chico!" She exclaimed, then looked at Piper and Jason, "You both did too you know!"

"Stupid...ugly...goat," Leo grumbled.

"Where'd Coach Hedge go?" Piper asked.

"Never came down." Madi pointed straight up.

"Do not tell me he saved my life," Leo said.

"Twice." Jason said. Leo groaned louder and leaned back into Madi.

"What happened? The gold sword, tornado guys, I hit my head right? I'm hallucinating."

(Jason POV)

Jason had forgotten about the sword. He walked over to where it laid and picked it up. On a hunch he flipped it; midspin it shrunk back into a coin and landed in his palm.

"Yep. Hallucinating," Madi mumbled to Leo under her breath. Piper shivered in her rain soaked clothes.

"Those things, Jason?"

"Venti," He said, "Storm spirits."

"Yeah. You act like you've seen them before. Who are you?" Madi observed.

"No idea. I've been trying to tell you all that." The storm vanished. The other kids from the wilderness school were staring with horror outside, "Coach Hedge said he had to protect four people. I think he meant us."

"And that thing Dylan turned into..." Piper and Madi both shuddered but Piper continued, "God, I can't believe he was hitting on me! What did he call us? Demigods?"

Leo laid on his back next to Madi who was sitting next to him. Neither looked ready to stand up;

"I don't know what demi means, but I sure ain't feeling godly. Are you guys feeling godly?" he said. Madi shook her head.

"No godly feelings here!"

"We need to get off–" Jason started as a dark shadow passed overhead.

"Ohhh-kay," Leo interrupted, "Look up there and tell me those aren't flying horses." At first Jason thought Leo had actually hit his head too hard. But then he looked up and saw for himself. Two flying horses were dragging a brightly painted chariot across the sky.

"Reinforcements." Jason said, "Hedge told me an extraction squad was coming."

"Extraction squad? That sounds painful." Leo said struggling to his feet, now it was his turn to lean on Madi.

"And where exactly are they extracting us too?" Madi raised an eyebrow skeptically.

(Madi POV)

The winged horses set down on the ground, two teenagers were on the chariot thing. One was blonde with stormy gray eyes. The other was a buff dude with a face that looked like bricks. Blondie jumped off before it stopped moving and ran over to them.

"Where is he!?" she demanded. Her eyes were fierce and unsettling. They landed right on me. Annabeth, she looks like boss! A voice said in my head. I looked around for where it came from.

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