Chapter 13

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A/N: Probably gonna be another long chapter. But I started crying whilst writing this because I realized I have to write about the destruction of Festus. I CANT DO IT GUYS!!!!!!!

(Third Person POV)

The princess examined Piper with a newfound respect.

"Impressive." the princess said, "Not many people could resist my suggestions. Are you a child of Aphrodite my dear? Ah, yes— I should've seen it. No matter. Perhaps we should shop a little longer before you decide what to buy, eh?"

"But the vial–"

"Now, boys. And Madi." She turned to Piper's friends, her voice was so much more powerful than Piper's. It was so full of confidence, Piper didn't stand a chance. "Would you like to see more?"

"Sure." Jason said.

"Okay." Leo said.

"Yup." Madi agreed, nodding. It caused her night black hair to fall over her shoulders and in her face. Barely covering her sharp sea green eyes and tan skin from all the sun she's gotten. If you had just looked at her for the first time you would've thought she was the ocean-loving type. And she was.

"Excellent." The princess said. "You'll need all the help you can get if you're to make it to the bay area." Piper's hand moved to her dagger. Thinking of her dream on the mountaintop, she remembered the scene Enceladus had shown her, a place she knew, where she was supposed to betray her friends in two days time.

"The Bay Area?" Piper asked, "Why the Bay Area?"

The princess smiled, "Well, that's where they'll die, isn't it?"

Then she led them to the escalators. Jason, Leo and Madi still looking excited to shop. Piper cornered the princess as Jason, Leo went to go see the living fur coats and Madi was in the jewelry section staring at a bracelet with a series of charms on it. She seemed infatuated by it. Uh oh..

(Madi's POV)

I stared deeply at the bracelet with charms on it. It seemed to be saying my name through wisps of air. I reached out to touch it but it had what seemed to be a protective aura around it.

Not yet, my child. A male voice said, You will receive it soon enough. Piper was interrogating Her Highness. I frowned. Why was Piper being so rude to someone so nice and probably not evil? I walked over to the boys and giggled as Leo tried on a hat made out of what appeared to be enchanted racoon fur. Its little legs wiggled frantically as Leo walked around. I followed my crush. He turned around to face me and I blushed.

"See anything you like?" He asked, for a second, I thought he meant his muscles and I blushed heavier. Then I sadly realized he meant to buy.

"I saw a pretty charm bracelet." I said. Leo muttered something I didn't quite catch.

"Hey, check it out!" We heard Jason call out. We went over to a rack that said DISTRESSED CLOTHING. The blonde held up a tattered purple shirt, like the one he'd worn to school earlier.

He frowned, "Why does it look so familiar?"

"Jason, it's like yours." Piper said. "Now we really have to leave."

I looked at her and felt compelled to go with her and leave this place. She must've seen my glance because she smiled at me. I blinked. Where am I? I blinked again. I hate shopping. I blinked a third time and realized the princess charm-spoke me into WANTING to shop. I was pissed.

"Nonsense," the princess said, "The boys aren't done, are they? And yes, my dear. Those shirts are very popular—trade-ins from previous customers. It suits you."

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