Chapter 3 - "A Full Experience"

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21st of September 1975, the day after the full-moon

I walked to the hospital wing. I had given myself a bloody nose and used it as an excuse to get out of charms because the lesson reminded me too much of my mum. I was Hoping to sit there alone and cry but instead, I found Remus Lupin eating a chocolate bar. Madame Pomphrey seated me beside Remus Lupin, telling me to sit tight as she had other more important patients to deal with at that moment. “So what are you in for,” I asked the boy.

“Didn’t feel well, what about you?” he replied, his voice strained.

“Oh, I gave myself a nosebleed to get out of class,” I said, laying back, crossing my legs.

“There’s a spell for that?” he asked , offering me chocolate. I took it from him, breaking off a piece.

“I’ll teach you it, another day,” 

“Can I ask you a question,” I nodded waiting for the boy to continue, “how’d you and Sirius not know about each other?”

“I didn’t know I had other family, it was just me and my mum before,” I explained. The boy offered me another piece of chocolate as if reward for sharing a small piece of myself.

“And what about you Remus, what is your family like?”

“Petty normal as things go, except around the ‘holidays. Me mam always get a bit too ‘onest after a few too many,” I smile, a poor attempt at hiding the wave of emotion as the boy offers me more chocolate. I heard a gasp as he did so, there was my brother and the rest of his friends,.

“So you'll share with her?” Sirius exclaimed, pinching the chocolate from my hands and sitting on the end of Remus’ bed. James jumps on the end of mine pushing me up to the headboard to then make room for Peter.

“Maybe he just likes me more,” I reply, smiling at Remus.

“Oh Moony, the heart ache. Who will you choose?” James asked, falling back on the bed, the only thing stopping him from falling off completely was my hand on his back.

“Well at least when I share with Iris she doesn’t eat the entire bloody thing,” Remus said, elbowing Sirius.

“It’s hungry work looking this good Remus,” Sirius finished plucking the bar from Remus’ hand. And biting into.

It was the first Hogsmeade weekend, and I had no idea why everyone was so excited. “So, we get to leave Hogwarts,” I ask again, clarifying with Lily as we sat in the Gryffindor common room warming ourselves by the fire, the morning of the visit. Lily nodded chuckling, sometimes I hated being the new 5th year. 

Dorcas and Marlene had left earlier wanting to be the first at Hogsmeade, Marlene woke the whole damn dorm up when Dorcas dragged her out of bed to fulfil a promise she had made the night before.

Lily and I walked out of the castle, and I immediately regretted not wearing that extra layer she had suggested earlier. I was not a fan of the English weather,“So what are we doing first,” I asked Lily as we finally got close to Hogsmeade village, it didn’t look too much bigger than the one near my house in France. 

“Do you want a drink or chocolate?” she replied to my earlier question.

“Is both an option, or Ooooh- Do they serve bière au beurre?” 

“Don’t know what that is, sorry”

I roughly translated the drink in my head, “margarine beer,”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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