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Alright, let's start with what I DO know:
-My name is Pearl.
-I don't remember anything besides the fact that my name is Pearl.
-I woke up wearing nothing but a hospital gown, laying at the bottom of a pit.

What I don't:
-Why the hell I don't remember my last name.
-Why the hell I don't remember ANYTHING in the first place.
-And why the hell I'm laying at the bottom of a pit wearing nothing but a hospital gown.

. . .

I groggily opened my eyes, the hair on the back of my neck standing up on end. The sky above was a rippling sheet of steel-grey clouds, almost ready to burst. Electricity crackled through the air, the scent of ozone ripe in the air.

I sat up on one elbow, a shiver of cold running across my bare arms and legs. An ominous, icy finger traced its way down my spine.

I lay in a natural pit, wearing nothing but a hospital gown.

"Alright, wake up everyone! Do a head count, then get inside! We don't know how long we're gonna be here!" A gruff, male British voice barked from above, making me jump.

Footsteps softened by grass started heading my way.

Instinctively I got up into a crouch, grabbing a loose stone next to me.

A slight figure lay to my right, small and bird-like, caught my eye. Long and bright red hair was fanned around her head like a halo. She was groggily sitting up as the voices got closer.

"Hey!" I hissed, creeping forwards and dragging her into the shadows of a small indent in the rock. She didn't resist, still way too out of it. Probably drugged. But I couldn't let whoever was find either of us.

"Anyone down there?" the man called, directly above us. The red-hair girl opened her mouth slightly to respond, but I clamped a hand over her mouth and shushed her.

That seemed to wake her up. She pushed my arm away, standing in a crouch next to me.She also grabbed a rock, this one wickedly sharp.

"X, yer gonna scare 'em if it's Newbies." another voice, this one also British but female this time. She didn't sound condescending in the slightest, rather if reminding him of something.

I heard the dude sigh.

"Yeah. Listen, if there's any newbies down there, we're not gonna hurt you! We're all in this bullshit together!" The man, X, called down.

The girl gave me a questioning look. She looked about my age, eighteen, but was way more lean with muscle than me. Either way, she still seemed built like a child.

I lifted my pointer finger to my lips.

"I'll go check." the man above said. Dirt cascaded down a moment later.

The man leapt down, back to the girl and I. He was also bare-foot and in a hospital gown, tall and built like a tank. Scars criss-crossed the back of his neck, fading up into a dirty-blonde military buzz cut.

I started forwards, rock raised. The girl seemed paralyzed behind me.

The man, apparently sensing me, whirled around just as I was swinging the rock at the back of his head.

In a blur of tan and blue, he spun to the side and stuck his leg out in front of him. My momentum betrayed me, leaving me sprawled on the stone ground.

'Get up. Never leave yourself exposed to the enemy.' A little voice said as I spun around, catching the man by surprise and tripping him as well. I jumped back up at the same time as him, fists raised defensively. He did too, much more confidently than me as he bounced back and forth on his heels.

Hermitcraft: Moonfall (rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora