the Beginning

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Just Before I was a racing legend I had to of started somewhere. Dad had signed me up for some sort of racing camp when I was little.I saw so many other cars! Gen 6 and the new Gen Also known as the better Gen. Coach pushed me and all the other kids to go as fast As we could. Then I became friends with this girl named Cruz she was really nice but very talkative. I thought she was one of the slower cars there but she was just as fast as me! Dad kept me racing but then one day at my races I got noticed by a scout! " Hey you looked great out there!" "Heh, thank you." "You know you could be a big racer when your older if you just work with me" said the scout 

---------------‐--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                           Jackson Mind

-Wow I just got noticed by a freaking scout! I HAVE to say yes to this offer!-


"Really?" "You sure can I used to represent McQueen and soon I will represent you."

"Alright Then So when do I get into the big races?" "Oh not soon maybe in 6 months or so we have to get you even faster to be the best."


                                                2 years later

He forgets about Cruz and is crazy about his fame and today he will race against Cruz I'm The Florida 500


                                                           His mind

-Hm She looks familiar.. Wait! Why does she have my name on her back but is at McQueens Pit stop. Hm Whatever Costume Girl....


"Hey Costume Girl"I revv my engines "Oh Hi there" "You should be at my pitstop. Are you some kind Cheerleader?" "I'm not just leave me alone" 

Announcement -racers Please make your way to the starting line-

"Cya Costume Girl" " IM NOT WEARING A COSTUME"


                                 His mind

She looks very slow I can't believe she is even wear my name and number on her back.

What a loser!


"Hey Mcqueen Ready for retirement?" "Hey Storm I will after I beat you"

"you can't it's impossible You saw the numbers."

Announcement-please start you engines In 3 2 1-

Storm,McQueen,and other racers bolted and started racing. his mind: I already see McQueen making his way to the pitstops. Maybe he wants just Gas again. Hm? Why's Costume Girl have red paint on? she's definitely a costume girl.:

Storm goes 3 more laps until he's noticed that McQueen wasn't on the track anymore IT was the Costume girl!


"You aren't even meant to be here! You aren't even a real racer and you just can't even race Either!" "Then why am I next to you?" "Because you just started the race."His mind: I'm gonna slow down and go toward the inside to get her right against the wall.-

"What?"She had seem angry when she said it. "Your gonna be on the outside and your gonna lose."

-Then i see here tire going somewhat against the wall and boom she just did a flip. she probably did do cheerleading.Then she goes to the finish line and wins.-

"WHAT?THATS NOT EVEN POSSIBLE SHES NOT A RACER."" What do you mean I'm not a racer? we used to be friends at the racing camp don't you remeber? I was almost gonna hug you when I saw you but No it seemed like you got caught up in your fame and forgot about the people who care about you." "Yea whatever you were slow at that camp!"

The end unless you guys want me to do more

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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