The Discovery Pt. 1

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For the past two weeks Hope has been acting strange. Hope woke up around 4am and thought should I tell them today? Nope definitely not Then Hope got dressed went downstairs to the kitchen and made some breakfast after she was done eating she went to the headmasters office (btw Caroline is the headmistress right now) Hope just waits in the office until Caroline comes in. Caroline walks in around 6am and Caroline is shocked because Hope is in the office. Hope says "Hey Caroline!" And Caroline says "what are you doing in my office!? And how long have you been here!?" Hope waits a minute before saying "I got in here around 5am maybe?"
"I don't know"
"well do you need something?"
"no I don't need anything"
"Okay then why are you in here?"
"Don't know, so I'm gonna go bother Lizzie"
"Uh okay?"
"Alright bye!"
"Bye...?" Caroline thinks what the fuck was that?

Lizzie is in her room then hope burst through the door and pushes Lizzie. Lizzie screams "WHAT THE HELL HOPE!?" And Hope says "what? It was funny!"
"Yes it was"
"No it wasn't"
"Yeah it was"
"Why are you being a dick Hope!?"
"Cause I can"
"That's not an answer"
"Yes it is"
"Whatever I'm leaving"
"Good" Hope leaves then she just walks around then bumps into Alaric, Hope says "Oh hey Alaric!"
"Hi? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"
"Yeah but I don't really care"
"Well I do, go to class"
"No your not my boss anymore"
"Whatever" Alaric then walks off, then Hope thinks should I bother uncle Kol or bother aunt Davina? You know what let's bother Davina Hope calls Davina "hey Davina!"
"What do you need Hope?"
"Nothing just wanted to bother someone"
"Why didn't bother Rebekah?"
"Oh I should've done that"
"Okay have fun doing that"
"I will" Hope hangs up the call and then, she calls Rebekah
"Hey auntie Bex!"
"Hope. What do you need?"
"Nothing just wanted to bother someone"
"Uh okay?"
"Anyways I'm bored bye!"
"Bye I guess" Rebekah hangs up the call.

Sorry if its a little short😅 and sorry if this is a cliff hanger for you.

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