The Discovery Pt. 2

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Rebekah's POV:

After their call Marcel says "who called Rebekah?"
"Hope did"
"I don't know"
"Oh well ok" Marcel said with a bit of concern in his voice and Rebekah states "I'm going to go to Mystic Falls I will be right back so no questions bye!" Marcel confused says "ok?"

Rebekah drives and gets to The Salvatore School

Rebekah bumps into Caroline
"Sorry Caroline"
"Its fine Rebekah but why are you here?"
"Hope called me and I thought its a little suspicious"
"Yeah Hope was in my office at 5am and said that she didn't need anything"
"How long has she been acting strange?"
"For about 3-4 weeks"
"Okay" Rebekah walks off and starts trying to find Hope.

Hope's POV:

"-Lizzie I'm fine so leave me alone!"
"No Hope you've been acting weird and I want to know why!"
"Well too bad- Aunt Rebekah?"
"Oh hello Hope"
"What are you doing here?"
"Same thing Lizzie said"
"Ok wow. Whatever" Hope said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice
"Hope I know when something's wrong. Tell me"
"There's nothing to tell"
"Yes there is and I know it"
"Ugh! Whatever" Hope walks off. Lizzie and Rebekah follow Hope without Hope noticing. Hope walks into her room, Lizzie and Rebekah are listening to her from outside the door.Hope says with frustration "why can't they understand that I don't want to tell them! Next time Lizzie asks I'm punching her, but next time Aunt Rebekah asks I'll dagger her" Rebekah and Lizzie look at each other then they walk off. Lizzie calls a super squad meeting(obviously without Hope) Lizzie says "ok Hope has been acting weird and we need to find out why" Cleo says "if you really want to know why don't you just have someone steal.her diary?"
"That is a really good idea thanks Cleo"
"No problem Lizzie I'm a muse its what I do" Lizzie runs off, makes sure Hope isn't in her dorm room then, goes in Hope's room to find Hope's diary. Hope walks in and says "what are you doing in here?"
Lizzie turns around quickly "nothing"
"Why do you have my diary?"
"Uh no reason"
"Were you gonna read my diary?"
"Uh no"
"I think you were"
"Invisiqe"(I don't know how to spell it)
"Dammit Lizzie" Hope starts walking around trying to find Lizzie
Meanwhile with the super squad
Lizzie runs in "guys! Guys! I got her diary"
Everyone says "good job"
Lizzie says "I'm gonna read it"
"Ok" said Cleo
Lizzie starts reading Hope's diary then almost immediately closes it.

Cliff hanger again sorry🙃

Hope Turns It Off Again?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat