One Knows

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Hope's POV:

Hope is still looking for Lizzie, Hope walks in the room with the super squad and Hope says "Lizzie why do you have my diary?"
"Um Josie made me!"
"I did not! You did this yourself it was your idea!" Josie said with a stern voice
"Yeah yeah whatever" Lizzie said with a bit of annoyance in her voice Hope walks over and grabs her diary then says "I'll be taking this back" no one said anything as Hope had left the room
Hope had walked to her room and first thing Hope saw was Freya so hope said "aunt Freya. What are you doing here?"
"Trying to figure out what's wrong with you" Freya said with curiosity
"Well you can go home cause there is nothing wrong with me"
"Rebekah said there was something wrong and I'm going to figure out what it is"
"Okay have fun wasting your time."
"I'm not wasting my time if its gonna help you" Freya said then Hope rolled her eyes and put her diary away as Hope was leaving the room said "also if you really wanna know I'll give you a hint"
"Okay tell me the hint" Freya said eagerly
"The last time this happened I told Alaric 'I am my father's daughter and I'm cool with that' so have fun figuring it out, he doesn't remember much of that night" Hope left the room leaving Freya alone with her thoughts shortly after Hope was bored and decided to walk through Mystic falls I hope I don't run ito anyone else from my family Hope was walking when someone had bumped into her "Hey! Watch where your-" just then the person who had humped into Hope was no other than Kai Parker so Kai said "nah continue that sentence oh wait you were gonna say 'Hey watch where your going' am I right?"
"Yeah you are. But you know what you should do"
"Oh yeah? what should I do?"
"1. You should jump off a bridge 2. You should scare the girls and Alaric"
"I'm not going to do the first one but I'll gladly do the second one"
"Then go do it"
"Alright" Kai leaves and starts heading toward the school. Hope just watches him walk off then Hope continues walking he's such an idiot Hope gets a call and answers it "what do you want aunt Freya?"
"We need you back at the school"
"What do you mean 'we'?"
"Doesn't matter get to the school now!"
"Okay okay geez I'm on my way" before Hope could say bye Freya hung up the phone Hope walks to the school and walks into her room "so what do you-"

Sorry cliffhanger but I'm making more btw sorry This took me so long to do but anyways something unexpected will happen in the next part be prepared❤

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