Chapter 1.

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As soon as Vox had seen the first drop of Alastor's crimson blood across his large deluxe flat screen, he felt a rush of pure adrenaline. It was an indescribable feeling, to see the mighty radio demon cowering in fear at the feet of another. As Vox had stated prior, it was in fact, 'Better than sex.'

That's why it pissed him off so greatly when the smiling bastard disappeared into an onyx puddle of, what was it exactly? Clouds? Goop? Whatever it was, it had taken the radio demon without a trace, leaving only a smarmy Angel on the screen who would later be stabbed into oblivion by a small bug-like girl. Vox would never tell anyone this to avoid being strangled to death, but Valentino had hilariously woken them both up from a nightmare of his, screaming about his fur being stolen by a bunch of tiny insect maids.

Still though, Vox was overjoyed at the once more absence of the radio demon, posting on every type of media available, excluding radio of course, that Alastor was in fact dead.

Embarrassingly enough, there were numerous occasions where Vox had gotten himself so worked up, that he had found himself with a hate boner. Fortunately, Valentino was kind enough to take care of it for him.

He felt bored now though, so terribly, excruciatingly, bored. He had gotten so used to the renewed presence of the radio demon over the past few months that he couldn't seem to truly comprehend the fact that he would be gone again. It had been seven years last time, who knew how long it would be now?

Of course though, just like last time, the radio demon had quietly reappeared one random Thursday, just much sooner than expected, sipping on a cup of tea outside the lavish newly remade hotel, having been spotted by a patrolling Voyeur-Scope.

Vox nearly crashed at the pure rage he felt. Why the fuck is he back? His poor mangled desk was covered in gashes; he would have to get it replaced soon.

He was practically frothing at the mouth, no better than a rabid dog, when he heard the familiar sound of high heels make an entrance into his camera room.

"What's got you so worked up Voxxy?" Valentino crooned from somewhere in the space. Vox rolled his eyes at the pet name but didn't voice his annoyance, endlessly bothered by the endearment but too upset by Alastor to put very much attention towards it.

He spun around in his office chair with an angry huff, attempting not to grind his teeth. "Alastor's back. Again. " Everything about the demon infuriated him, his stupid fluffy ears, his too tight suit, that constant shit eating grin. Even now, when the deer was just sitting there, looking perfect, he wanted more than nothing to pummel that face into the ground. He wanted-

"Awww, poor baby." Valentino said sarcastically. He had an evil smirk on his face, obviously not taking the computer's rage seriously. "And I thought you would have wanted him to come back, you've been so restless lately." The moth teased, sashaying up to Vox's side.

They both turned their attention to the man on the monitor, just staring at his blurry image before the older of the two men groaned miserably. "Goddamnit, he's just going to be such a fucking pain in the ass again. God forbid we have another sing-song on 666 news."

Valentino tapped his chin in thought, a thoughtful expression on his face, before his face darkened and an idea entered his mind. He placed a well manicured hand onto Vox's shoulder pulling him close and leaning near his audio processors, as if he were about to tell him a dirty secret. "Y'know...I think I have the solution to all of your problems. And I mean all of them."

For the short moment, there was an eerie silence. It seemed the whole world had stopped, before Val spoke once more.

"Leash him."

Vox pulled away to level the bug with a long stare. Was he stupid? "Uhm. I've already considered that..? But the real question is, how am I supposed to do that? What do I have that he could possibly want?!" His voice was rising, and he would have begun a tirade had Valentino not placed a hand over his mouth, silencing him.

"You don't have anything he wants, but I have something that can force him to do whatever you need. You'd be able to constantly watch him, have control over him, make him kneel to you." Vox's breath quickened at this, invigorated by the idea, his curiosity peaked. Val placed a hand beneath his cloaked wings, and dramatically pulled out what looked like a fancy dagger and a bottle of a shiny purple liquid.

"And these are..?" Vox took the bottle, sloshing it confused, watching as the concoction swirled and created patterns across the liquid's surface. The moth tsked loudly and took the bottle back, holding it up proudly.

"This is a special sleeping drug used for large scale kidnapping operations. I keep it on me just in case I ever need it. You know that one magazine obsessed overlord who went missing in the ninety's?" He tapped at the glass with a claw. "This caused it."

Vox remembers when she had gone missing. He had been extremely grateful at the time for her sudden disappearance; she had taken hell by storm with her constant power over style and trends, gaining power over the beauty industry and, unfortunately for Vox, a portion of the film industry, before going missing one day. The TV host hadn't given her much consideration after that, and she was mostly forgotten by the masses.

Vox stared at the contents of the bottle, more cautious than he was previously. "What's in it?" He asked suspiciously; though he wanted to absolutely own the radio demon at the current moment, he wasn't sure how he'd feel if this somehow permanently incapacitated the man or something.

"Not sure, I know it's safe though. If you use it on a certain someone, they'll be knocked out for hours; just put a drop in his food or something." Val nodded over to a glitching Alastor on the screen, making the obvious implication that he was the certain somebody.

Vox chewed on his digital lip for a moment, taking all this into consideration. He was interrupted from his musing by the moth speaking once more. "And this," Valentino held up the small silver knife. "is an angelic weapon. We know that Alastor is very much weak to them, and I just so happen to have one from the recent execution. If you need some extra help in," he paused to smile devilishly, "'convincing' him, then just use this."

Vox dumbfoundedly took the sharp object into his hand, his heart beating like a rapid fire gun in his chest. He almost didn't notice his boyfriend leaving the room.

"I'm sure he'll be a fantastic addition to the Vees, you'll do great babe!" The sliding door shut closed with a resounding thud.

Well, it seemed like it was time to set up a planned abduction.

Spelled Out (In Ink) - AlastorxVox - Voxal - RadioStaticDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora